Local Resources
Apprenticeship Development
Apprenticeship development through West Michigan Works! can help you reduce turnover, increase productivity and improve the bottom line. West Michigan Works! will take out all the background work for you to get the occupation approved, collaborating with local community colleges and training providers to develop classroom curriculum, and registering your apprentices with the U.S. Department of Labor. Contact West Michigan Works! to get your apprenticeship started today!

Resources for Employers
American School Counselor Association: Promising Practices for Successful High School Apprenticeships
College, Career, Connection: Employer's Guide to Student Learners in the Workplace
Conexus Interns: High School Employees in Manufacturing Facilities: Busting the Myths
National Fund for Workforce Solutions: Apprenticeship Employer Readiness Checklist
Business Case Study: How Youth Apprenticeship Works| Employer Perspective
The Annie E. Casey Foundation: New Resources to Expand Quality Apprenticeship Programs
Workforce GPS: Evaluations of Programs with Work-Based Learning
Workforce Intelligence Network: Data Research
The Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship (PAYA) has created a new infographic that illustrates the components and sequence of a typical youth apprenticeship program—including the many options available to young people at the conclusion of the program.
Why Should Employers Invest in Youth Apprenticeships
The National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity offers research-based, strategy-driven, practical-application-focused professional development services that equip educators and workforce professionals with tools to address specific school needs relating to equitable learning environments, student academic success, and ultimately, college and career readiness
Access the workbook here: Equity in Youth Apprenticeship Programs
State Resources

Explore the benefits of starting an apprenticeship for your business at Apprenticeship.Gov. This site is full of information to help you start and implement an apprenticeship program and much more.
Use this link to view a fact sheet about how to start an Apprenticeship program.
Use this link to view a fact sheet about Apprenticeships for High School students.
Michigan Apprenticeship Programs
MI Apprenticeship, a state program managed by the Workforce Intelligence Network (WIN) and its partners, works to connect Michigan employers and jobseekers with the resources they need. They provide employers with access to support and resources to streamline the apprenticeship process, and jobseekers with the information they need to find long-term success and apprenticeship opportunities.

Pure Michigan Talent Connect

What are the Advantages of Apprenticeship?
Benefits to employers:
- Highly skilled employees
- Reduced turnover costs
- Lower investment in recruitment
- Higher productivity
- More diverse workforce
Visit Pure Michigan Talent Connect - Employer page to find more resources for your business.
Michigan Educators Apprenticeship and Training Association
The Michigan Educators Apprenticeship and Training Association (MEATA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to providing a forum for the professional development of Secondary and Post Secondary Educators and other individuals involved in providing apprenticeship and work-based education.
Since its founding, MEATA has been a vocal advocate for the expanded use of work-based learning as the most effective and least costly means of transferring generational knowledge from older to younger workers while supplementing that knowledge with the latest academic discoveries and advances.
The organization is probably best known for its annual Spring Apprenticeship Conference. At this event, apprenticeship and work-based training representatives from across the state of Michigan are provided unique opportunities to network, collaborate, learn and grow.

National Resources

The Center for Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning
The Center for Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning provides expert guidance on how to identify and share effective approaches that work for companies, students, and workers. Join a growing group of employers, community colleges, workforce agencies, intermediaries, labor organizations, policy experts, and others across the country who are advancing apprenticeship and work-based learning strategies as workforce development and talent solutions for American businesses.

Apprenticeship programs that combine paid work and related academic instruction, as well as pre-apprenticeships that prepare and connect individuals to those training programs, afford exactly the opportunities needed to support sustainable employment, particularly for low-income young people.
Connecting Apprenticeships to the Young People Who Need Them Most. Read the full report here.