MSOT/DrOT Combined Degree
GVSU's Occupational Therapy Combined Degree, MS/DrOT
For the most current information and how to apply, please go to this website: Combined degree: Occupational Therapy M.S. and Dr.O.T. - Majors, Programs, Certificates, and Badges - Grand Valley State University (
MSOT/DrOT Combined Degree Program Overview
The combined degree is an ideal pathway for students seeking advanced practice skills in OT that prepares students for advocacy, leadership, and teaching opportunities.
This path waives the required 2 years of practice experience and in place of this requirement will consider:
1. Academic performance through the MSOT courses,
2. 6 months of full-time work during level 2 fieldwork experience,
3. NBCOT certification (following completion of level 2 fieldwork),
4. Continuous employment throughout the doctoral coursework.
The intention is to create a streamlined path to this terminal degree by acknowledging advanced practice skills for students who identify obtaining a doctorate as a career goal.
Students enrolled in GVSU's MSOT program would have greater access and a shorter route to a terminal degree in their chosen profession without compromising the quality of either degree program.
This option saves students time and tuition dollars in pursuit of a terminal degree that can result in obtaining employment in advanced positions or having an advantage in a competitive healthcare or educational job market. The regular path to a post-doctorate degree is 117 credits total. The combined path is 109 credits total, which is a cost savings of 8 credit hours.
There is currently a nationwide shortage of occupational therapy educators in higher education institutions. In addition, there are currently no other post professional programs such as this in the state of Michigan and no other combined degree programs in the state of Michigan.
Combined Degree DrOT application requirements:
1. Good standing in the MSOT program, minimum GPA of a 3.25 in MSOT courses
2. Critical evaluation of an occupational therapy article
3. Submission of a personal statement, including specific goals and timelines for completion
4. Interview with OST faculty members
5. Three letters of support from professional colleagues, supervisors, or faculty.
6. Professional resume
Additional requirements for students enrolled in the combined degree to maintain throughout doctoral coursework:
1. Attainment of NBCOT certification following completion of Level II Fieldwork
2. Continuous employment as an occupational therapist
When would a student apply for the Combined Degree program?:
Students in either of GVSU's MSOT programs will have two distinct timelines in which to apply to the combined degree program.
Based on the curricular layout of the MSOT programs, combined degree applications will be reviewed in the following timelines:
Traditional MSOT
- 9 Credit Combined Degree: Initial application material due by December 1st.
- 6 Credit Combined Degree: Initial application material due by August 1st.
Hybrid MSOT
- 9 Credit Combined Degree: Initial application material due by December 1st.
- 6 Credit Combined Degree: Initial application material due by April 1st.