OT Hybrid Program

Hybrid Master's Program in Occupational Therapy

If you already have a bachelor's degree and have thought about a career in health care, now is the time to learn more about Grand Valley State University's hybrid master's program in occupational therapy.

About the Program

The Occupational Therapy Hybrid Program at Grand Valley State University is completed with pre-professional requirements and three years of professional course work.
The hybrid program is designed primarily for the adult learner and nontraditional student. Candidates need to have completed a bachelor's degree and all the specified undergraduate pre-requisite coursework prior to the start of OT coursework. There will be no waivers or exceptions of this policy.
The hybrid format allows adults with jobs, families, and other commitments to pursue a graduate education. Classes meet one weekend each month year round on Friday evenings from 5:00-9:00 and Saturdays from 8:00-5:00 at GVSU's All New Health Campus located in Grand Rapids, MI. More than 50% of each course content is presented online.

The hybrid program utilities online technology.  For more information on GVSU's technology requirements, please go to this link:  http://9dap.eduftp.net/online/technology-requirements-for-onlinehybrid-courses-8.htm .

Applications for the MSOT Hybrid Program must be verified within OTCAS by January 18.  
Note: This has been fully accredited through the American Occupational Therapy Association Accreditation Committee for Occupational Therapy Education.

All hybrid cohorts

Page last modified April 17, 2023