Information for Preceptors and Clinical Faculty
The GVSU Physician Assistant Program has succeeded due to the excellent preceptors who help educate our students. This page has information that preceptors have found helpful throughout the years. It includes rotation topics, course learning outcomes, instructional objectives, tips on efficient and effective precepting, and preceptor perks for being a preceptor, such as the GVSU Preceptor Perks Program and CME credit.
GVSU Physician Assistant Studies - Supervised Clinical Practice Experiences (SCPE)
Clinical Rotation Course Outcomes and Instructional Objectives
The GVSU Physician Assistant Program developed a list of rotation topics, rotation learning outcomes, and instructional objectives to guide preceptors and students during their supervised clinical practice experiences.
Core and Elective Rotation Information includes Clinical Topics, Rotation Learning Outcomes, Instructional Objectives, the Preceptor Evaluation of Student Form and the Rotation-specific Curriculum Integration Table.
Note: The pediatric rotation is integrated into the family medicine, underserved and emergency medicine rotation. Please refer to the rotation information for those rotations to see the rotation information for pediatrics.
The One-Minute Preceptor: 5 Microskills for One-On-One Teaching
The One-Minute Preceptor: 5 Microskills for One-On-One Teaching is a short article that has been tested and welcomed by preceptors across the nation to assist in educating healthcare learners. Healthcare providers face many challenges in the day-to-day pursuit of their careers, and those who choose to teach health professions students face the further challenge of efficiently and effectively providing teaching to these learners. GVSU PAS preceptors have found it to be a helpful tool in making the most out of their teaching time.
For information about becoming a preceptor for the GVSU PA Program, contact one of our clinical coordinators, Mandy German ([email protected]) or Amanda Reddy ([email protected]).
Category I and II CME for Precepting
Category I CME
The AAPA developed a policy and process for earning Category I CME credit for precepting, and the GVSU PA program has been approved as a CME provider. A summary of the procedure is described below. Please see the AAPA website for additional details.
- PA programs may award 0.5 credits per each two weeks of precepting.
4-week rotation = 1 credit
8-week rotation = 2 credits
One week = 40 hours
A maximum of 10 Category I CME credits per calendar year can be awarded to each preceptor. - The preceptor must complete a “Self-Reflective Evaluation Form” (provided to preceptors at the end of the clinical year in December) and e-mail the completed form to [email protected].
- Upon receipt of the completed “Self-Reflective Evaluation,” the GVSU PA program sends you a Certificate awarding the Category I CME credits.
Category II CME
Precepting can also be reported by the preceptor to AAPA as Category II credits on an hour-by-hour basis, which does not require documentation from the PA program (4-week rotation = 160 hours, 8-week rotation = 320 hours).
AAPA Clinical Preceptor Recognition Program
PAEA and AAPA formally recognize preceptor efforts through the Clinical Preceptor Recognition Program. See the eligibility requirements and on-line application on their website here: CLINICAL PRECEPTOR RECOGNITION PROGRAM
You will need an attached endorsement form, which can be requested by emailing the GVSU PAS program at [email protected].
The GVSU PAS program encourages you to join the program and add the designation, CP or Clinical Preceptor AAPA, after your name (e.g., CPAAPA).
Preceptor Perks Program
Being a preceptor is a great way to benefit the profession. Precepting helps the students and your continued growth as a clinician. No matter how prepared you may be, students push your expertise to its limits and allow reflection on your limitations. GVSU PAS Program preceptors are also awarded other privileges, including access to GVSU libraries, Grand Rapids downtown YMCA discounts, and CME programs at the Cook-Devos Center for Health Sciences.
Preceptor Perks Links
Credentialing Information
The GVSU Physician Assistant Studies students undergo extensive health screening and training to ensure compliance with state and federal guidelines. The training and screening include HIPAA certification, OSHA training, immunization verification to include Hepatitis B, current annual TB skin test, and recent criminal background check. Once a student is confirmed to rotate with a preceptor site, the program and the student provide proof of this information.