Advisors & Coaches
Choosing Your Advisor
All registered student organizations must have a GVSU Full-Time faculty or staff advisor selected. The individual must be currently employed with GVSU. An organization may choose any secondary advisor according to their constitutional requirements (i.e. Club Sport Coaches, Greek Life Chapter Alumni).
Advisor Expectations
Student organization advisors are required to review the following terms and conditions regarding their involvement with student organizations. This agreement establishes the understanding that the faculty or staff member involved is aware of the policies and procedures associated with their involvement in student organizations at Grand Valley State University.
Student Organization Advisor Philosophy and Purpose:
Student involvement in campus organizations provides an opportunity for students to develop leadership and organizational development skills. This involvement also complements their educational objectives with important co-curricular activities by exercising basic freedoms and learning about human behavior. In support of these objectives, it is important that persons with experience in organizations be available to assist students in their organizational endeavors. While the range of activities or student organizations is diverse, the assistance advisors can give organizations by being responsive to students' questions on procedural matters, university policies, financial matters, and so on, can help advance the basic reasons for recognizing student organizations at Grand Valley.
Advisor Responsibilities:
An Advisor is responsible for familiarizing themselves and the organization's members with all university procedures and policies pertaining to the organization's activity. This includes, but is not limited to, the following publications: The GVSU Student Code, RSO Handbook, Event Services Policies and Procedures, Office of Student Life Policies and Procedures, Fraternity and Sorority Manual, and the Club Sport's Policies and Procedures.
Advisor Address Information Release:
Some advisor's information will be treated as public information and distributed to the university community when necessary. An advisor's name, campus phone number, and e-mail address information may be provided in any registered student organization information published by the Office of Student Life.
Advisor Non-Hazing Statement:
An advisor will support the university's policy on hazing. GVSU Student Code: Hazing: A student shall not, either acting alone or with others, engage in or conspire to engage in hazing. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, whether on or off campus, for the purpose of initiation or affiliation with any organization or team, which jeopardizes the physical and/or mental well being of an individual, and/or is, presumably, an illegal activity.
Any violation of this policy must be reported immediately to the Assistant Director of Student Life.
Responsibilities of an Advisor to the University
An advisor will understand and support the following responsibilities:
- The advisor to a student organization must be familiar with University policies and regulations, and the organization's policies and regulations that they advise.
- All off-campus accounts must have two signatures on their checks. It is suggested that the advisor audit off-campus accounts on a regular basis and before new executive boards begin their duties.
- The role of an advisor to a student organization is one of consultation and resource. Therefore, with the assumption and completion of the duties and obligations outlined herein, an advisor shall not be held accountable for the individual conduct of the organization's members and their activities.
- The advisor must be listed on the roster for their respective organization on LakerLink, and are encouraged to participate in any trainings offered by the Office of Student Life.
- Because scholastic success is important to the university's mission, the advisor may wish to work closely with the students concerning their academic progress.
- Organizations such as club sports, fraternities, and sororities have special needs and considerations. Advisors should become familiar with these additional policies.
- During Student Senate funded travel-related activities, participants are required to complete the Travel Release Statement. Advisors should make sure all participants review the risk of the off-campus activity and complete the release statement. Forms are available on LakerLink.
Responsibilities of Advisors to Registered Student Organizations
An advisor will understand and support the following responsibilities:
- Maintain regular contact with officers and members.
- Serve as a resource person at executive and regular meetings. Attend functions of the organization as necessary.
- Assist with the formulation and/or revision of the organization's constitution and bylaws.
- Encourage and assist the organization to plan active and significant programs, work with the officers and promote efficient and effective administration of the organization.
- Assist the treasurer in maintaining accurate accounting procedures and in formulating an annual budget, as well as individual account budgets.
- If it is necessary for an advisor to resign his or her position as advisor, he or she shall notify in writing the organization and the Office of Student Life.