University Statements & Policies
Relationship Statement
As a student progresses through their college career, they participate in a variety of experiences in and out of the classroom. Experts have consistently estimated that 70% of a student's time is spent on activities outside of the classroom. This involvement includes work, independent study, intercollegiate and intramural athletics, student clubs and organizations, study abroad, and living-learning programs.
Grand Valley State University acknowledges the important value student organizations have in the educational process. Registered Student Organizations (RSO's) are inherently linked to the University while playing an integral role in developing student leadership and providing a quality campus environment. It is the responsibility of each RSO to adhere to the mission of the university and its’ supporting values. An organization's goals, objectives, and activities must not deviate from established University policies or regulations. Participation in any given RSO by a student is voluntary, and any risk associated with participation is assumed by the student alone. Grand Valley State University does not assume liabilities for an RSO’s financial transactions, group activities, or the actions of an individual or its group members, unless the RSO is deemed by us to be performing services or engaged in activities on our behalf or under our direction.
Because of their importance, RSO's are granted special privileges and benefits. These privileges include use of university facilities and services, the privilege of participating in certain university-sponsored student activities, and access to the established student governance funding process. In order to exercise the privileges accorded to RSO’s, a student organization must register with and be recognized by the Office of Student Life through the Student Organization Review Board. The provision of University benefits to RSO’s should not be misinterpreted as meaning RSO’s activities are controlled by the University. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to grant, suspend, or deny any Registered Student Organization status at any time.
Non-Discriminatory Policy
Every aspect of University life should be free from discrimination because of age, color,disability, familial status, height, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex/gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran status, or weight. Student housing, organizations, athletics, classes and University community facilities should be open to all who desire to participate (University Policy)
All RSOs must comply with federal/state laws regarding discrimination, and with the University's policy of providing equal opportunity. A non-discrimination clause must be in all constitutions. Any RSO with selective membership criteria must state this criteria in their constitution. Membership selection practices may be reviewed by the Office of Student Life at any time.
Academic Standards
Involvement in co-curricular activities such as RSO's enhances the overall academic experience. The Office of Student Life recognizes that the student organization experience does not take priority over academic expectations. Student Organizations are encouraged to set academic standards for membership and clearly outline those expectations in the organization Constitution. Office of Student Life staff will work with campus advisors of organizations that need assistance in monitoring grades of members while honoring each student's right to confidentiality.
Academic expectations for student organization officers as well as other specified student organizations are a maintained 2.0 or better GPA. Additional details are outlined in the officer expectations section of this Handbook and in the Fraternity & Sorority Life Manual.
Hazing Policy
The Student Code states:
Hazing: A student shall not, either acting alone or with others, engage in or conspire to engage in hazing. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, whether on or off campus, for the purpose of initiation or affiliation with any organization or team, which jeopardizes the physical and/or mental well-being of an individual, and/or is, presumably, an illegal activity.
Freedom from humiliation and danger of hazing is guaranteed to every student on this campus. This policy includes individuals as well as organizations. If you wish to file a hazing complaint now, you may complete an online incident report. Additionally, if you wish to talk to a University administrator before you file a complaint, you may contact Valerie Guzman, Office of Student Life, at (616) 331-2345 or by email at [email protected].
Additional resources about preventing hazing in your organization can be found at
Disability Support Resources
The Americans with Disabilities Act as amended by the ADA Amendment Act (2008) Philosophy Statement:
Grand Valley State University (GVSU) is committed to providing access to programs and facilities for all students, faculty and staff. GVSU promotes the inclusion of individuals with disabilities as part of our commitment to creating a diverse, intercultural community. It is the policy of GVSU to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended by the ADA Amendment Act (2008), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other applicable federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. GVSU will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request.
More information regarding the ADA and Disability Support Resources can be found at
Student Code
Standards of conduct are established in order to generate an atmosphere in which the mission, vision and values of Grand Valley State University can flourish. Individual rights can only be ensured with acceptance of individual and group responsibilities and respect for the rights of others.
Individuals attending and/or entering upon property owned or controlled by the University or engaged in University sponsored activity or program automatically places themselves under the applicable rules and regulations of the institution. The conduct, herein described, provides due process and is consonant with constitutional guarantees.