Starting a New Student Organization

Campus Departments

If you would like to set up a LakerLink profile for your Campus Department, please contact Bri Slager in the Office of Student Life ([email protected]) to have one made! 

What You Need

5 Executive Board Members

*Write down the GVSU email address of each officer before you begin*


Vice President / Risk Manager

Financial Officer

Membership Officer

Full Time Faculty/Staff Advisor

*Executive Board Members should be majority undergraduate students, unless you are a graduate organization. 

A Complete Constitution

Fill out template entirely

Dissolution Clause: Designate a non-profit organization to receive leftover funds if your organization dissolves

Download the Template

Cell Phone Numbers

Cell Phone Numbers for Each Officer

Cell phone numbers will be requested for each of the four Executive Officer positions, please have this information ready before you start the renewal process.  Cell phone information will not be shared, and will only be used by The Office of Student Life for emergency situations or COVID-19 contact tracing purposes.



How to Register

  1. Log in to LakerLink with your student email
  2. Click on 'Forms' in the side menu
  3. Choose the '2025-2026 Organization Registration' form option
  4. Complete the registration form and email [email protected] with any questions

**NOTE: Be cautious when entering in the email addresses of your Executive Board members. Spelling errors will delay your application**

What to do Now

  1. The Student Organization Review Board (S.O.R.B.) will meet to hear your organization's request at their next meeting.
  2. Keep an eye on your email and LakerLink notifications, as that is how we will contact you regarding the status of your pending organization.
  3. If your organization is approved but pending the completion of a requirement (ex. changes to constitution or org classification), you will have until the next S.O.R.B. meeting to update this. 
  4. Once your organization is approved, you have 30 days to schedule and complete an on-boarding meeting with an RSO staff member. 


Have an idea for a new Student Organization?

Do you have an idea for a new student organization, but are struggling to find other interested students? Fill out the form below, and we will help you get started and can even connect you with students that want to start a similar club!

*Please note this is NOT the new student organization registration form. Please see above for new organization registration instructions.

Interest Form

Page last modified March 6, 2025