
Fundraising Guidelines

All revenue-generating activities conducted by RSOs must follow University policies, applicable (fraternity/sorority) Greek Council and/or (inter)national organization policies/procedures, as well as state, local, and federal laws.

Fundraising Policy

Fundraising Policy

The need for registered student organizations to conduct fundraising events to provide financial support for their organization continues to increase at Grand Valley State University. Recognizing this need, the Office of Student Life has established this fundraising policy with the following procedures and guidelines for conducting fundraising events. The overall purpose of this policy is to help organizations be as successful as possible in their efforts.

Definition. For the purposes of this policy, all activities involving the collection of money by registered student organizations are defined as revenue-producing projects. Revenue-producing projects include: the selling of printed materials, student-produced goods, student-provided services, the selling of tickets, travel packages and/or charging admission to private or public activities or the soliciting of voluntary contributions, and the selling of other goods and services.

Financial Benefit: Revenue-producing events held on campus or in the university facilities may not directly financially benefit the individual officers and/or members.

Fundraising Directly from Businesses or Non-Profits 

  1. Student organizations may seek to reach out directly to businesses or non-profit organizations in order to receive funds or general donations.  All fundraising requests made in the name of the University must be approved in advance by the Vice President for Development. In addition, only the Vice President for Development or their designee is empowered to issue the University’s official receipt that qualifies a donor’s charitable contribution as deductible for tax purposes. 
  2. Resturant Fundraisers: Any organization that would like to complete a resturant fundraiser that requires a Tax Exempt Number must schedule a meeting with [email protected] to complete the fundraiser registration form. 


Fundraising on Campus

  1. Fundraising Privileges: Only registered student organizations, housing/residence life living centers, the Student Senate, or other campus departments may conduct revenue producing events on-campus.
  2. Off-Campus Entities, Businesses, or Non-profit Groups: Must follow the Commercial Activity Policy to be present on campus. 
  3. University Affiliated Commercial Activity: All student organizations wishing to plan a fundraising opportunity on campus must follow the University Affiliated Commercial Activity process and file the appropriate form with Event Services. 
  4. Applications are only required for on campus events.
  5. No revenue producing or fundraising activities may be conducted in conjunction with athletic competitions along stadium drive or at athletic events except for those sponsored by athletic teams that are approved by the Athletic Director.
  6. Food Sales. Due to health and liability issues, university policy requires a food waiver form to be completed and approved by Laker Food Co. This is the only authorized agency by the university to sell food items on campus. 
  7. Compliance with rules, policies, and laws. The sponsoring organization assumes all responsibility for conducting a revenue-producing project in compliance with the ordinances, written policies and regulations of Grand Valley State University. In addition, the organization is responsible for knowing and abiding by all local, county, state and federal laws.
  8. Holland and Grand Rapids Campuses. Further regulations may be in effect for the Holland and Grand Rapids campus locations. Refer to the "Who Reserves What Space?" resource to contact the appropriate individual for the space required. 
  9. Assistance. If you need assistance, the Office of Student Life in the Kirkhof Center offers Drop In Advising every Monday - Thursday from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. (no appointment is required, just drop in with your questions!), or email [email protected] with questions general funding or fundraising questions.
  10. (Raffles/Millionaire Parties/Texas Hold Em' Poker) The State of Michigan regulates raffles and gaming, or any other kind of gambling, which requires advance registration with the State at least six (6) weeks in advance. If an organization is beginning to plan an event that involves gambling the organization should meet with a professional staff member in the Office of Student Life. The number of licenses the university has is limited and the application process requires a six week lead time. Complete information about these regulations is available on the web at Any license for gambling activity will need to be approved by the Associate Dean for Student Life and submitted to the Executive Officers of the University for final approval before sending to the State of Michigan.  Fraternities and Sororities are prohibited from hosting these types of event. 
  11. Dunk Tanks and Large Inflatables. Due to the liability and risks associated with Dunk Tanks, large inflatables including but not limited to bouncy houses and water slides, they are not permitted fundraiser or activity offering for student organizations. Exceptions can only be made through a consensus agreement secured from the Assistant Director of Student Organizations, the University Risk Manager, and the AVP Facilities Services of the relevant campus. 

Setting up an External Bank Account

Student organizations are NOT authorized to use Grand Valley State University's tax-exempt identification number for purchasing or donating purposes.

For additional details please contact the Office of Student Life at [email protected].

These are general guidelines for creating or managing a student organizational bank account. Note that each bank is different, so their policies might require more or less documentation.

Starting a bank account or creating an EIN:

  • Must provide a federal tax identification number. Most groups obtain this by competing an Employer ID number with the IRS. Visit www.irs.govand search for “EIN” for the most current process. 
    • Can be completed over the phone (800-829-4933) or online
    • You will [functionally] be completing a SS-4 form.
      • Complete questions 1-10
      • Use 1110 Kirkhof Center, Allendale, MI, 49401, for the address so mail/statements will come to your student organization's mailbox in the Office of Student Life.
      • Make sure the name listed exactly matches the official name on LakerLink
      • Typically, the president or financial officer sign the form; if completed over the phone, a social security number will be required for verification purposes
    • Once complete, submit a copy of your EIN statement/paperwork to the Office of Student Life (1110 Kirkhof Center) for your group's permanent file. You will also need to include this information on LakerLink in your organization profile.
  • Provide a copy of your constitution/bylaws or articles of incorporation
  • Provide meeting minutes identifying all current officers

Renewing a bank account or changing signatures for the account

  • Varies widely per bank, so check with your bank directly

Page last modified March 4, 2025