LakerLink Badge Campus Department Creation Request

Please read this before continuing...

This form is for GVSU Campus Departments to request badges and/or experience sets on LakerLink. These will be approval based on if they duplicate an existing badge (we can give you access) or align with the mission of LakerLink. If you have any questions, please reach out to Bri Slager at [email protected]

* denotes a required field

Contact Information

Badge Name, Description, and Image

Example badge: 

Service Superstar

Students who make a significant impact through volunteering. It's for those who consistently show dedication to giving back, taking the initiative, and inspiring others to get involved in their communities. This badge acknowledges the effort to go above and beyond in helping others and making a positive difference. Must submit 5 service hours per semester that include a service event hosted by the Office of Student Life (Beach Clean Up, Make a Difference Day, Drop-In Days of Service, MLK Jr. Day of Service).

Badge icon/images will be created on your behalf. If there is a specific logo, image, color you would like included in our template, share below. An example badge is also shown below (Service Superstar). The template will have the navy blue background, yellow ribbon with the name of the badge, and an image that was requested or suggested by students to define the badge. 

service superstar

Badge Requirements

Student List

Please select the list of student category: *

Please select the cohort of students that should be able to achieve your badge: *

Human Verification *

Page last modified February 10, 2025