Student Life Awards

Student Life Awards is an annual event to honor all registered student organizations, their leaders, and supporters. Nominations can be submitted by anyone with a GVSU e-mail. All accepted nominees and nominators are invited to the Awards event to celebrate all the hard work done by student organizations each year. Nominations are reviewed by the Student Organization Recognition Board, which is made up of students, faculty, and staff at GVSU. Any questions can be directed to [email protected]

Individual Awards

Outstanding President

Presented to individual(s) who have excelled as the President of an organization, through the use of leadership and organization development. **Nominees must have served a full term as President by the end of the academic year.

Outstanding Vice President

Presented to individual(s) who have excelled as the Vice President of an organization, through the use of leadership and organization development. **Nominees must have served a full term as Vice President by the end of the academic year.

Outstanding Financial Officer/Treasurer

Presented to individual(s) who have excelled as the Treasurer of an organization, through the use of leadership, stewardship of funds, and organization development. **Nominees must have served a full term as Treasurer by the end of the academic year.

Jo Ann Litton Outstanding Advisor

Presented to student organization advisor(s) who are recognized for the outstanding job they have done. The nominee must be a volunteer advisor (one who is not an advisor due to their job description or payment given from the group). **Nominations should include information about the advisors style, commitment, and contributions to the organization.

Emerging Leader Award

Presented to a student leader who has been active in campus life and has made a commitment to improving the quality of life at Grand Valley. Nominees should have demonstrated involvement in such areas as residence life, student organizations, Laker Leadership programs, or community engagement.

Students posing for camera

Student Laker of the Year Award

This annual award recognizes a student who has made outstanding contributions to the GVSU community by supporting the University's mission, vision, and values. Recipients of this award are individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to others and the betterment of the university community.
Nominees must be current students of Grand Valley and will be based on the following:

  • Served (or currently serving) as a leader to other GVSU students, either through academics, extracurriculars, or other service
  • Positive contributions the university community through their individual involvement and leadership
  • Embodies Laker Pride and what it means to be part of the GVSU student body
  • Student must be a 3rd or 4th year student (a minimum of 55 credits)

Student Award for Faculty Excellence (SAFE)

This annual award recognizes a faculty member who has made outstanding contributions to the GVSU community by supporting students and the University's mission, vision, and values. The recipient of this award inspires excellent academic achievement in the classroom, and has demonstrated experiences of connecting and supporting students beyond what is expected of them.
Nominees must be current faculty of Grand Valley and will be based on the following criteria:

  • Completed all their professional responsibilities to the highest quality
  • Committed to the GVSU students and their academic success at the university
  • Positive contributions to the university community their their individual work and service
  • Only full-time faculty members are eligible for this award (either Regular Faculty or Affiliate Faculty)

Programming Awards

Care For Community Award

Presented to an organization for an excellent program that includes a volunteer, philanthropic or fund raising component.

Outstanding Educational Program

Presented to an organization that has presented an exceptional educational program that addressed a topic or issue with the goal of educating the campus community. Programs should be well promoted and attended.

Outstanding Cultural Program

Presented to an organization that has presented an outstanding program in the area of cultural diversity. The program should have dealt with a multicultural issue, and attracted a diverse group of students, faculty, and members of the community.

Student enjoying the event

Collaboration In Programming

Given to an organization that has excelled in the area of co-sponsorship with diverse number of student organizations and departments. The recipient of this award should have programmed more than one event with other organizations throughout the year.

Program of the Year

Presented to an organization for a program that is recognized for its excellence. **All program nominations will be considered for this award.

Organization Awards

Best New Organization Award

Presented to an organization that is new to campus life. The organization should have developed a solid and active membership, clear goals for the organization, and demonstrated involvement in campus life.

Art Hills Spirit

Presented to an organization that has demonstrated outstanding school spirit. This award is named in honor of Art Hills who exemplified the enthusiasm for campus life at Grand Valley. Art retired in 1988 as Executive Assistant to the President. He wrote the Grand Valley Alma Mater and was always active in promoting a positive spirit at Grand Valley. Organizations should have demonstrated school spirit at campus events and participation in campus life activities.

Students enjoying the event
Most Improved Org Award

Most Improved Organization

Presented to an organization that has made significant improvements in the areas of membership, retention, and programming. The nominated organization should be able to prove a noticeable improvement from the prior semester or academic year.

Shelia Williams Outstanding Organization

Presented to an organization that has made a significant contribution to campus life, has bridged gaps between organizations and individuals, and has demonstrated a commitment to service. Shelia Williams was an alumna of Grand Valley who, through her involvement in student organizations and campus departments, demonstrated an outstanding commitment to student life. Organizations applying for this award should have demonstrated a similar commitment.

2025 Student Life Award Nominees

Individual Awards

Outstanding President

Adedolapo Adeniji - African Student Council

Ana Ahmed - Psychology Club

Brielle Belcher - Crafts for a cause

Blake Bess - Real Estate Club

Kelli Dailey - Dance Troupe

Shayna Davis - Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Tina Duoibes - GrandPR

Darren Fife - Computing Club

Alexia Frazzitta - Public Relations Student Society of America

Annika Hawley - Alpha Phi Omega

Allison Klimek - Student for Aging and Gerontology Enrichment

Giselle Lobillo - Latinos in Healthcare

Abigail Miller - Chemistry Club

Logan Nommensen - Hackers Analyzing Threats

Nicolette Owen - La Tertulia- Spanish Club

Mia-Valentina Phillips - Rocketry Engineering Club

Quinten Proctor - Student Senate

Christina Quach - Delta Phi lambda Sorority

Justin Quinn - Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization (IPO)

Jaden Rice - 494 Fashion Club

Robyn Settle - Nourish Black Women

Isabella Shaw - Allied Health Sciences Student Group

Scott Strayer - American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Mila Tasma - Pre-Physician Assistant Club

Bridie Tolley - Campus Activities Board (CAB)

Miles Toriani - STAGE

Zoe Waters - Pre-Nursing Association

Outstanding Vice President

Kamiah Boone - Nourish Black Women

Alicia Cruz - Pre-Physician Assistant Club

Tom Johnstone - Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society

Paris Lawson - Student Senate

Faith Matheson - 494 Fashion Magazine Club

Macy Ruchty - Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority

Marcos Sanson - Computing Club

Molly Schless - Hillel / Interfaith Student Council

Kendall Sedestrom - Public Relations Student Society of America

Kristin Swisher - Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.

Jacob Vandenberg - Real Estate Club

Lillie Waldron - Campus Cleanup Crew

Lillie Waldron - Chemistry Club

Ana Zapata - GrandPR

Outstanding Financial Officer/Treasurer

Nancy Boyd - Student Senate

Mitchell Fedewa - Chemistry Club

Grant Hoffman - Health Professionals Graduate Student Association

Owen Kemp - Baseball Club

Tapanga Witt - Computing Club

Bailey Wixon - Alpha Phi Omega

Jo Ann Litton Outstanding Advisor

Abishek Balsamy-Kamaraj - Casting Club

Abishek Balsamy-Kamaraj - FIRST Alumni Network

Andrew Booth - Pre-Physician Assistant Club

Brian Bowdle - Psychology Club

Kathryn Christopher - Alpha Phi Omega

Erik Fredericks - Computing Club

Courtney Kowalczyk - Crafts for a Cause

Sanjivan Manoharan - American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Len O'Kelly - WCKS The Whale Student Radio

Emerging Leader Award

Lauryn Comstock

Ava Cybulski

Riley DeLore

Allie Doran

Ernesto Garza

Nevaeh Hemmes-Palms

Britney Lindsey

Elijah Morgan

Mileena Morris

Hannah Plukas

Hannah Reda

Rachel Robinson

Malia Rodolico

Marcos Sanson

Ty Vanlerberghe

Britlynn Veliz

Lauren Wayburn

Genna Wright

Izzy Zdanowski

Student Laker of the Year Award

Nancy Boyd

Riley DeLore

Tina Duoibes

Madelyn Howe

Andrew Hua

Lucero Jimenez

Tom Johnstone

Aisha Jones

Olyvia Kovicak

McKenna Maciag

Lola (Lauren) Robar

Robyn Settle

Abby Tannhauser

Bridie Tolley

Ana Zapata

Student Academic for Faculty Excellence

Salvatore Alaimo

Abishek Balsamy-Kamaraj

Brian Bowdle

Adrian Copeland

Erik Fredericks

Courtney Kowalczyk

Jina Lee

Sanjivan Manoharan

Srihimaja Nandamudi

Adrienne Wallace

Programming Awards

Care for Community Award

CreateAthon - GrandPR

Earth Day Cleanup Event - Campus Cleanup Crew

Fall Volleyball Tournament - Alzheimer's Awareness Club

IPO Service Day - Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization (IPO)

Kid's Food Basket Bag Decorating - Alpha Phi Omega

Project Linus - Alpha Phi Omega

Winter Volleyball Tournament - Alzheimer's Awareness Club

Outstanding Education Program

Alex Sherman: TV Show Writer - CONTINUOUS: Screenwriting Club

Black History Month: Dr. Charmeka Newton - Black Student Union

DEI Committee Takeover Event - Public Relations Student Society of America

How to Focus and Maintain Mental Health While Working within the Mental Healthcare Industry - Allied Health Sciences Student Group

Jagger Denhof - Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Talk - Computing Club

LakerCon 2024 - Student Interest Group for Illustrators

Overdose Prevention & Response Training - Bachelor of Social Work Student Organization

The Analyst Training Program - Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization (IPO)

World Voice Day - National Student Speech Language Hearing Association

Outstanding Cultural Program

4th Annual Salute to Latinas' - Delta Tau Lambda

African Ball 2024 - African Student Council

Arab Food Night - Arab Culture Club

Beautiful Week in Color - You Beautiful Black Woman

Global Gala - Delta Phi Lambda

Global Lounge - African Student Union

Latino Glow Night - Latino Student Union

Multicultural Night - Student Senate

Philippine Culture Night 2025 - Filipinx American Student Association

Trivia & Albanian Cuisine Event - Albanian-American Student Organization

YBBW Enchanted Queens Ball - You Beautiful Black Woman

YBBW Hair Show - You Beautiful Black Woman

Collaboration in Programming

Bard to Go - Campus Activities Board, Kirkhof Center, GVSU's Shakespeare Festival

Black History Month: Dr. Charmeka Newton - Black Student Union, Office of Multicultural Affairs

Drag & Rocky Horror Picture Shows - Campus Activities Board, LGBT+ Resource Center, Brains & Beauty

Katherine Mast: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Presentation - Computing Club, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Laker Kickoff - Campus Activities Board, Recreation & Wellness

Leadership Summit - Office of Student Life, Omicron Delta Kappa, Cook Leadership Academy

Presidents' Ball - Campus Activities Board, Student Senate, President's Office

Sibs & Kids Weekend - Campus Activities Board, Art Department, Subject to Change, Recreation & Wellness, Laker Store, Housing & Residence Life, Charter Schools Office, Laker Food Co., Model Entertainment, Athletics, Biology Department

Step Afrika! 101 - Campus Activities Board, National Pan-Hellenic Council

Walk to End Alzheimer's - Alzheimer's Awareness Club, Alzheimer's Association

Program of the Year

4th Annual Salute to Latinas' - Delta Tau Lambda

African Ball 2024 - African Student Council

Alex Sherman: TV Show Writer - CONTINUOUS: Screenwriting Club

Arab Food Night - Arab Culture Club

Bard to Go - Campus Activities Board, Kirkhof Center, GVSU's Shakespeare Festival

Beautiful Week in Color - You Beautiful Black Woman

Belly Dance Winter Showcase - Belly Dance Club

Black History Month: Dr. Charmeka Newton - Black Student Union, Office of Multicultural Affairs

Christmas Cookie Decorating - Omicron Delta Kappa

Clothing Swap - 494 Fashion Club

CreateAthon - GrandPR

DEI Committee Takeover Event - Public Relations Student Society of America

Drag & Rocky Horror Picture Shows - Campus Activities Board, LGBT+ Resource Center, Brains & Beauty

Earth Day Cleanup Event - Campus Cleanup Crew

Euchre Club Fall Tournament - Euchre Club

Fall Volleyball Tournament - Alzheimer's Awareness Club

Free Cookout & Carnival Kickoff 2024 - Campus Ministry

Global Gala - Delta Phi Lambda

Global Lounge - African Student Union

Halloween Bash - Nourish Black Women

Halloween Event - 494 Fashion Club

Halloween Karaoke Night - Honors Affinity Alliance

How to Focus and Maintain Mental Health While Working within the Mental Healthcare Industry - Allied Health Sciences Student Group

IPO Service Day - Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization (IPO)

Jagger Denhof - Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Talk - Computing Club

Katherine Mast: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Presentation - Computing Club, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Kid's Food Basket Bag Decorating - Alpha Phi Omega

Kpop Prom 2024 - Kpop Group Evolution

Laker Kickoff - Campus Activities Board, Recreation & Wellness

LakerCon 2024 - Student Interest Group for Illustrators

Latino Glow Night - Latino Student Union

Leadership Summit - Office of Student Life, Omicron Delta Kappa, Cook Leadership Academy

Multicultural Night - Student Senate

Overdose Prevention & Response Training - Bachelor of Social Work Student Organization

Philippine Culture Night 2025 - Filipinx American Student Association

Presidents' Ball - Campus Activities Board, Student Senate, President's Office

Project Linus - Alpha Phi Omega

Queer Rave Fall 2024 - Students for Democratic Society

Queer Rave Winter 2025 - Students for Democratic Society

Renaissance Festival - Renaissance Festival

Sibs & Kids Weekend - Campus Activities Board, Art Department, Subject to Change, Recreation & Wellness, Laker Store, Housing & Residence Life, Charter Schools Office, Laker Food Co., Model Entertainment, Athletics, Biology Department

Silent Disco - Campus Activities Board

Soul Movie Night - Ignite Dance

State of the Student Body - Student Senate

Step Afrika! 101 - Campus Activities Board, National Pan-Hellenic Council

Stock Pitch Competition - Seidman Investment Porfolio Organization (IPO)

The Analyst Training Program - Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization (IPO)

Trivia & Albanian Cuisine Event - Albanian-American Student Organization

Vision Boards - Self Care Club

Walk to End Alzheimer's - Alzheimer's Awareness Club, Alzheimer's Association

Winter Volleyball Tournament - Alzheimer's Awareness Club

World Voice Day - National Student Speech Language Hearing Association

YBBW Enchanted Queens Ball - You Beautiful Black Woman

YBBW Hair Show - You Beautiful Black Woman

Organization Awards

Best New Organization

Rocketry Engineering Club

Interfaith Student Council

Latinos in Healthcare

Nourish Black Women

Crafts for a Cause

Art Hills Spirit Award

Campus Activities Board

Computing Club

Psychology Club

Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization (IPO)

Most Improved Organization

494 Fashion Club

African Student Council

Allied Health Sciences Student Group

Alpha Phi Omega

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Dance Troupe

Delta Phi Lambda


National Student Association of Speech-Language and Hearing

Omicron Delta Kappa

Pre-Physician Assistant Club

Psychology Club

Real Estate Club

Student Senate

Students for Democratic Society

Shelia Williams Outstanding Organization

494 Fashion Club

Allied Health Sciences Student Group

Campus Activities Board

Campus Cleanup Crew

Computing Club

La Tertulia - Spanish Club

Latinos in Healthcare

Pre-Nursing Association

Psychology Club

Public Relations Student Society of America

Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization (IPO)

2024 Student Life Award Nominees & Award Winners

Individual Awards


Presented to individual(s) who have excelled as the President of an organization, through the use of leadership and organization development. **Nominees must have served a full term as President by the end of the academic year.

Jhon Kerby Gerlin - International Friendship 

Isabel “Izzy” Holtrop - Recreational Therapy Student Association

Nicolette Owen - La Tertulia - Spanish Club

Micah Dunsbergen - Campus Ministry

Elizabeth Gira - College Republicans

Antonio Green Jr. - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

Jackelyn Palmas - Latino Student Union

Elinor Harrison - Phi Sigma Pi

Eliot Van Pelt - Rowing Club

Jordyn Bodell - Women in Medicine and Science

Quinten Proctor - Student Senate

Hailey Siwek - Society of Women Engineers

Brianna Lee - Asian Student Union

Madison Zimmerman - Public Relations Society of America

Faith Simon - Filipinx American Student Association

Carmina Laster - Filipinx American Student Association

Georgia Hessel - STAGE

Aisha Jones - Model Entertainment

Lila Abdelnour - Mu Epsilon Delta

Lucero Arizaga Jimenez - Monarcas Ballet Folklórico

Outstanding President Winner


Presented to individual(s) who have excelled as the Vice President of an organization, through the use of leadership and organization development. **Nominees must have served a full term as Vice President by the end of the academic year.

Priscilla Nartey - You Beautiful Black Women

Savannah Lobsiger - Campus Ministry

Danahe Garcia Navarro - Latino Student Union

Danielle Blanchard - Connections Through Conversations

Graciela Ramirez - Monarcas Ballet Folklorico

Miles Toriani - STAGE


Presented to individual(s) who have excelled as the Treasurer of an organization, through the use of leadership, stewardship of funds, and organization development. **Nominees must have served a full term as Treasurer by the end of the academic year.

Myriam Martinez - Recreational Therapy Student Association

Anna Sordilla - Filipinx-American Student Association

Ari Schneider - La Tertulia - Spanish Club

Jackson Gutowski - College Republicans

April Duran - Latino Student Union

Brendan Butterfield - Rowing Club

Alexander Gomez - Asian Student Union

Josilynn Hradowsky - Monarcas-Ballet Folklorico

Lillian Ferguson - Mu Epsilon Delta

Outstanding Financial Officer/Treasurer


Presented to student organization advisor(s) who are recognized for the outstanding job they have done. The nominee must be a volunteer advisor (one who is not an advisor due to their job description or payment given from the group). **Nominations should include information about the advisors style, commitment, and contributions to the organization.

Emily First - Campus Ministry

Donijo Robbins - College Republicans

Lisa Perhamus - Connections Through Conversations

Adeline Borti - African Student Council

Valerie Guzman - Student Senate

John Steeno - Subject to Change

Adrienne Wallace - Public Relations Society of America

Outstanding Advisor winner


Presented to a student leader who has been active in campus life and has made a commitment to improving the quality of life at Grand Valley. Nominees should have demonstrated involvement in such areas as residence life, student organizations, Laker Leadership programs, or community engagement.

Brock Johnson - College Republicans

Rowan Elliot - Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center

Sophia Bates - Student Senate

Richard Dolinik - Student Senate

Lily Nykamp - Asian Student Union

Sophie Gemmen - Student Senate

Emerging Leader Award winner

Programming Awards


Presented to an organization for an excellent program that includes a volunteer, philanthropic or fund raising component.

Philippine Culture Night - Filipinx American Student Association

Kickin It With Kindness - Dance Troupe

Asian New Year Festival - Asian Student Union

LakerThon - Miracle Network Dance Marathon

AAC Dodgeball - Alzheimer’s Awareness Club

Care for Community Award winner


Presented to an organization that has presented an exceptional educational program that addressed a topic or issue with the goal of educating the campus community. Programs should be well promoted and attended.

Understanding the Gaza Strip - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

Spanish Study Huddle & Craft Night - La Tertulia Spanish Club

Math Alumni Speaker Series - Applied Math Club

Dr. Chris Blackwood Seminar - Plant Club

Study and Destress - La Tertulia Spanish Club

Wendy Jo Carlton Speaker Event - Women In Cinema

Women’s History Month Event - Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority

Sexual Assault Awareness Speaker - Interfraternity Council

Recreational Therapy Open House - Recreation Therapy Student Association

Demystifying the Visa Process: A Guide to Hiring International Students - Data Science Society

Color in Politics - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

Seidman IPO Hosts Michael Goad from Dow Credit Union - Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization

Exploring the Connections Between Graph Theory & Computer Science - Computing Club

Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Presentation by Seth Wolfgang - Computing Club

Outstanding Educational Program winner


Presented to an organization that has presented an outstanding program in the area of cultural diversity. The program should have dealt with a multicultural issue, and attracted a diverse group of students, faculty, and members of the community.

YBBW Hair Show - You Beautiful Black Women

Philippine Culture Night - Filipinx American Student Association

Asian New Year Festival - Asian Student Union

Ramadan Iftars - Muslim Student Association

Global Lounge - African Student Council

Delightful Discussions - Muslim Student Association

Cafe Mahogany: 50 Years of Hip-Hop - Black Student Union

Banda vs. Reggaeton Baile - Latino Student Union

Annual Black Excellence Fashion Show - Model Entertainment

International Pool Party - Bringing Together the World

Color in Politics - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

Social Games - Bringing Together The World

2024 Celebrating All Walks of Life Pow Wow - Native American Student Association

El Festival de Musica: Fuego Baile - Latino Student Union

Outstanding Cultural Program winner


Given to an organization that has excelled in the area of co-sponsorship with diverse number of student organizations and departments. The recipient of this award should have programmed more than one event with other organizations throughout the year.

President’s Ball - Student Senate, President’s Office, Campus Activities Board

Sibs and Kids Improv Show - Subject to Change Improv, Office of Student Life, Campus Activities Board

Pho By Night - Vietnamese Student Association, Gentex Corporation 

LakerCon - Student Interest Group for Illustrators, Comic Book Club, Fred Meijer Center for Writing & Michigan Authors, Department of Visual & Media Arts

Leadership Summit - Order of Omega, Office of Student Life, Hauenstein Center

Karaoke Night - Professional Society for Minorities in Honors, FMHC Student Council

Wings, Ramen, and Fruta - Latino Student Union, Black Student Union, Asian Student Union

Collaboration in Programming winners


Presented to an organization for a program that is recognized for its excellence. **All program nominations will be considered for this award.

Philippine Culture Night - Filipinx American Student Association

Kickin It With Kindness - Dance Troupe

Asian New Year Festival - Asian Student Union

LakerThon - Miracle Network Dance Marathon

AAC Dodgeball - Alzheimer’s Awareness Club

Understanding the Gaza Strip - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

Spanish Study Huddle & Craft Night - La Tertulia Spanish Club

Math Alumni Speaker Series - Applied Math Club

Dr. Chris Blackwood Seminar - Plant Club

Study and Destress - La Tertulia Spanish Club

Wendy Jo Carlton Speaker Event - Women In Cinema

Women’s History Month Event - Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority

Sexual Assault Awareness Speaker - Interfraternity Council

Recreational Therapy Open House - Recreation Therapy Student Association

Demystifying the Visa Process: A Guide to Hiring International Students - Data Science Society

Color in Politics - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

Seidman IPO Hosts Michael Goad from Dow Credit Union - Seidman Investment Portfolio Organization

Exploring the Connections Between Graph Theory & Computer Science - Computing Club

YBBW Hair Show - You Beautiful Black Women

Ramadan Iftars - Muslim Student Association

Global Lounge - African Student Council

Delightful Discussions - Muslim Student Association

Cafe Mahogany: 50 Years of Hip-Hop - Black Student Union

Banda vs. Reggaeton Baile - Latino Student Union

Annual Black Excellence Fashion Show - Model Entertainment

International Pool Party - Bringing Together the World

Social Games - Bringing Together The World

2024 Celebrating All Walks of Life Pow Wow - Native American Student Association

El Festival de Musica: Fuego Baile - Latino Student Union

President’s Ball - Student Senate, President’s Office, Campus Activities Board

Sibs and Kids Improv Show - Subject to Change Improv, Office of Student Life, Campus Activities Board

Pho By Night - Vietnamese Student Association, Gentex Corporation 

LakerCon - Student Interest Group for Illustrators, Comic Book Club, Fred Meijer Center for Writing & Michigan Authors, Department of Visual & Media Arts

Leadership Summit - Order of Omega, Office of Student Life, Hauenstein Center

Karaoke Night - Professional Society for Minorities in Honors, FMHC Student Council

Cookout & Carnival - Campus Ministry

Rock Painting with Self Care Club - Self Care Club

28th Annual GVSU Renaissance Festival - Renaissance Festival

RIBS Dance Competition - Rhythm in Blue Dance Team

Haunted Story Night - Professional Society of Minorities in Honors 

Kpop Prom - Kpop Group Evolution

Winter Showcase - Belly Dance Club

Euchre Tournament - Euchre Club

End of the Semester Tournament - Table Tennis Club

Crash-G - Rowing Club

Pho By Night - Vietnamese Student Association

Spring Showcase - Belly Dance Club

Ignite Dance Company Showcase - Ignite Dance

Crafting Night - Project Blue Heart

Kpop Unleashed - Kpop Group Evolution

Queer Rave - Young Democratic Socialist of America

Legally Blonde - STAGE

Wings, Ramen, and Fruta - Latino Student Union, Black Student Union, Asian Student Union

BizStream Company Visit - Computing Club

Program of the Year winners

Organization Awards


Presented to an organization that is new to campus life. The organization should have developed a solid and active membership, clear goals for the organization, and demonstrated involvement in campus life.

International Friendship

Students in Masters of Recreational Therapy Association

Street Medicine Club

Monarcas Ballet Folklorico


Connections Through Conversations

494 Fashion Magazine

Best New Organization Award winners


Presented to an organization that has demonstrated outstanding school spirit. This award is named in honor of Art Hills who exemplified the enthusiasm for campus life at Grand Valley. Art retired in 1988 as Executive Assistant to the President. He wrote the Grand Valley Alma Mater and was always active in promoting a positive spirit at Grand Valley. Organizations should have demonstrated school spirit at campus events and participation in campus life activities.

Table Tennis Club

Psychology Club

Subject to Change

Art Hills Spirit winners


Presented to an organization that has made significant improvements in the areas of membership, retention, and programming. The nominated organization should be able to prove a noticeable improvement from the prior semester or academic year.

Swim Club

Chess Club

Black Student Union

Filipinx American Student Association

Rowing Club

Student Senate

African Student Council

Women in Medicine and Science

Stars for Make-A-Wish

Latino Student Union

Asian Student Union


Mu Epsilon Delta

Most Improved Organizations winners


Presented to an organization that has made a significant contribution to campus life, has bridged gaps between organizations and individuals, and has demonstrated a commitment to service. Shelia Williams was an alumna of Grand Valley who, through her involvement in student organizations and campus departments, demonstrated an outstanding commitment to student life. Organizations applying for this award should have demonstrated a similar commitment.

You Beautiful Black Women

Black Student Union

Filipinx-American Student Association

Student Senate

Computing Club

Latino Student Union

Shelia Williams Outstanding Organization winners

Page last modified February 25, 2025