Pre-Departure: Exchange and Provider Programs Guide
On this page you will find all of the information you need to prepare for your upcoming study abroad program.
Preparing to study abroad is a process but you are not alone! This guide is a reference for the questions you may have related to your upcoming experiences, whether that is planning or information you'll need while abroad.

If you need more assistance with understanding the processes or resources below reach out to our office or your study abroad coordinator for assistance. PIC wants to be there for you through the entire pre-departure process so don't hesitate to get in contact with us.
This section is meant to help you understand the academics piece of study abroad whether that is the planning process before you go or understanding academics once you're there. It also helps you understand academic policies related to study abroad.
- Learn about the course equivalency process. A comprehensive guide on getting courses approved to take abroad.
- Learn about credit for General Education and Issues while abroad!
- How does the transfer of credit work?
- What is IS 380? And how do I register?
- Learn about how academic systems can be different abroad.
- Academic policies for students studying abroad.
- Policies for withdrawing and refunds.
- What to know about conducting research abroad.

This section is meant to help provide you resources to understand and manage the financial pieces of study abroad whether that is the planning process before you go, including financial aid, scholarshipa, and budgeting or making a plan for managing money once you're there. Take your time as you move through all of these resources and reach out to our office with questions.
- How to fund your study abroad program
- How to complete the Study Abroad Budget Form
- Learn how to budget for your personal spending during your study abroad experience.
- Check out the Financial Aid Guide. This will give you guidance on the most frequently asked questions related to financial aid.
- Resources and making an appointment with the Financial Aid Office
- Learn about scholarships for study abroad
- Money Tips and Taking Money Abroad
- How to defer program fees if eligible.
- How to receive an early refund of financial aid if eligible.
- When will my financial aid be released to me? Check out release dates for your financial aid.
- Complete your financial aid agreement
- Information regarding 1098T Education Tax Credit

Practical Information
This section provides pre-departure resources and practical tips you'll need to know and things you'll need to do before you go and while you are abroad.
- Don't have a passport yet? Check out our resource for Applying for a Passport
- Packing tips for study abroad!
- Before you go, set up Multi-Factor Authentication to be able to use and access your GVSU accounts while abroad.
- Things to consider when purchasing a flight.
- Applying for a student visa for travel.
- How to get an FBI background check or apostille if required for your visa.
- How to set up a phone and communication while abroad.
- Learning about transportation while abroad.
- Using electronic devices abroad.
- Tips for living with a host family.
- Voting in an election while abroad.
- What to know about your host country before going abroad.
- What to do about your housing in the US while you are abroad.
- How to be a good representative of the US and GVSU while abroad.
Find out the deadlines for all paperwork and documents required by PIC to participate in a study abroad program
- Fall semester and Academic year abroad deadlines
- Winter semester abroad deadlines
- Spring and Summer abroad deadlines

Your health and wellness is very important to consider when you go abroad. This section will help you understand your required international health insurance through GVSU and other logistical considerations for your health and wellness before you go and while you are abroad.
- Learn about your international health insurance - Insurance registration is required for everyone studying abroad at GVSU.
- Information on health abroad and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
- Taking medications abroad and preparing if you plan to take prescription medications abroad.
- Learn about vaccines for travel.
- Information on Global Epidemics
- Learn about Relationships and Sexual Health Abroad
- Learn about how to prioritize your mental health while abroad.
- Important considerations regarding COVID-19

Your safety abroad is very important to us. A little preparation before you leave goes a long way. This section will give your resources and tips around staying safe while abroad.
- Learn about Being Safe Abroad
- Enroll in STEP Smart Traveler Enrollment Program through the State Department
- Inform yourself about Sexual Harassment, Assault, and Rape Abroad
- Check out the Travel Advisories for your destination
- Check out the FBI brochure on safety and security abroad
- Review the Participant Responsibilities for Health and Safety Abroad
- Learn how to Stay Safe on Public WIFI
- Identity Abroad

Immersing yourself in a new culture abroad is one of the most exciting things about studying abroad. This section will help prepare you on topics such as navigating cultural differences, culture shock, and how to stay open-minded and embrace the new culture around you.
- What is culture shock and how to navigate it
- Find cultural information for countries represented by GVSU programs
- Access CultureGrams country guides for extensive cultural information
- Explore the Nations Online Project for comprehensive country-specific information
- Access guides for acclimation created by the Glimpse foundation
- Check out general cultural value differences to prepare for your travel
- Utilize the Hofstede country comparison tool to compare cultural differences between countries

Additional Resources
This section is full of additional resources such as the Pre-Departure Checklist and resources related to identity abroad.
- Access the Pre-Departure Checklist to assist in your study abroad planning
- Check out the GVSU Pre-Departure video for study abroad tips from students
- Access resources and information for students of color
- Find resources and information for LGBTQIA+ students
- Access information for women studying abroad
- Learn about resources for students with disabilities
- Access information for veterans
- Find information and resources for non-traditional students
- Hear from GVSU students about their experiences abroad
- View the Students Abroad Handbook from the Center for Global Engagement
Returning to the United States
Find resources for students returning from study abroad.