Film and Video - Production Grant
The Film and Video Area offers $500 per round to support production of film, video, audio, computer-generated media, or any combination of these. Must be for credit, as part of class.
Submission Deadlines
Fall 2024:
First Deadline: Friday, September 20
Second Deadline: Friday, October 25
Winter 2025:
Deadline: Friday, January 24
Second Deadline: Friday, February 7
Project Parameters
- To support production of film, video, audio, computer-generated media, or any combination of these.
- May not be used to cover travel, food, or the purchasing of equipment.
- May be used to purchase memory (such as hard drives, flash drives, etc.) - see PURCHASING TECHNOLOGY-RELATED DEVICES below.
- Individuals or groups may apply.
- Must be for credit, as part of class.
- Amount requested should be $100-$500. Funds are limited.
- Past grantees must have shown evidence that they completed their earlier project(s) by deadline and exhibited earlier projects.
- This grant is for actual expenses. You will be reimbursed for your expenses and will not receive a cash advance.
- All awardees must see Jenna Stehouwer in the VMA office (1105 Calder) in order to properly submit receipts.
- Submit all materials in PDF format.
If you plan to use your production grant award to purchase a hard drive, flash drive, or anything related to technology or computers, you must contact Jim Schaub to assist in the purchase. This is a university policy. You will not be reimbursed if your purchase is not pre-approved by IT, and Jim Schaub is your contact for receiving the approval. If you have any questions, contact Jim Schaub at [email protected] or at (616) 331-3633.
Application Guidelines
See a sample of a previous successful application here (pdf). Incomplete applications are not likely to receive funding. Include the following in your application.
- Introductory Materials:
- Your name(s), contact information, funds requested
- Title and approximate running time.
- Course Name
- Medium, including format.
- Mode/style (documentary, experimental, etc.)
- Is the application for a complete project or one or more segment(s) of a larger project?
- Concept/theme. What underlying themes does your project address? (1-2 sentences)
- Rationale (Why should this idea be supported by a grant? What is it about this particular story or idea that will be of value to viewers?)
- Treatment/scenario/storyboard (1-3 pages).
- Submit a full screenplay if requesting production funds for a fictional narrative. You may include flow charts or anything else that will help us understand your plans.
- Detailed budget (important: indicate which portion you are requesting the production grant for, and which portion you are providing funds for.) Each item's cost x # of days = total cost.
- Projected need for PSR equipment.
- Explain why the materials you are requesting funding for are necessary to the success of your film. In other words, justify the need for this expense as it relates to the storytelling.
- Timetable for proposed project's completion.
- Defense of project's feasibility. How you plan to complete the project, given constraints of experience, time, money and equipment.
- Submit all materials via PDF to Joel Potrykus at [email protected].
- If you receive the grant, include a credit at the end of your video that says: "Partial funding for this project provided by the GVSU Film/Video Production Grant"
Funding Opportunities
Highest priority for funding will be given to those needs that directly enable the completion of this particular project, e.g. equipment rental, tape/film stock, construction materials, costuming, etc. Graphics tablets and software are eligible as long as project demonstrates a real need for their purchase.
Submit a digital copy of entire application to Professor Joel Potrykus, who will pass it along to the Selection Committee. (Must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. on the deadline date.)
Other Departments
Art Education — Art History — Ceramics — Film & Video Production — Graphic Design — Illustration — Jewelry and Metalsmithing — Painting — Photography — Printmaking — Sculpture — Visual Studies