Film and Video - Request a Video
THANK YOU for thinking of GVSU's Film & Video Production program for your media production needs! We appreciate your confidence in our students and program, and recognize the value of producing work outside the classroom.
A top priority of the Department of Visual and Media Arts is to provide access to equipment and facilities to the students taking our courses. As an academic unit, the Department of Visual and Media Arts and the Film & Video Production major are not equipped to support the activities of a video production facility. The equipment and facilities are reserved for student coursework and are not available for independent contract projects.
However, here are some options for your organization.
If you are a non-profit...
Each fall semester we offer a course, Producing for Clients (CFV 470), in which students produce videos and other media solutions to meet the goals of a non-profit client. Projects are field tested to ensure professional-level media production standards.
If your organization is interested in being considered as a client for a Fall semester course, contact Suzanne Zack.
If you are a GVSU Department or Program...
The resource on campus for producing videos and other promotional materials for internal departments and programs is the Promotions Office Video Team. Here is how to contact them:
Promotions Office Video Team
0008 Kirkhof Center
(616) 331-8692
[email protected]
If you want to hire a student...

Students with their own equipment are often interested in building their portfolio of professional work while earning a much-needed stipend to support their studies. Please email the following information, which will then be forwarded to all students in the Film & Video Production major. Those interested will contact you directly.
Include the following information in an email to John Schmit, Film and Video Production Program Coordinator.
- Your name, company, and contact information
- The budget for your production
- The planned stipend for the student
- Description of the project, including the timeline, deadline, and other pertinent details
- Do you have cameras and equipment, or will the student/s be providing their own?
- The deliverables (one video, series of videos, video/website, video/photography, etc.)
You may want to consider creating a poster, which has proven to be a successful tool.
Send your poster to Jim Schaub, and they will make sure it gets posted in the areas frequented most by our students.
Other Areas
Art Education — Art History — Ceramics — Film & Video Production — Graphic Design — Illustration — Jewelry and Metalsmithing — Painting — Photography — Printmaking — Sculpture — Visual Studies