GVSU Votes! Campus Coalition

The GVSU Votes! Campus Coalition is a nonpartisan group of campus and community members who work collaboratively to elevate student voices through increasing student voter engagement at GVSU. We welcome any interested GVSU students, faculty, and staff!

Meeting Dates and Times for Fall 2024

Meeting 1:

September 5 from 12 - 1 p.m. in KC 1142

Meeting 2:

October 3 from 12 - 1 p.m. in KC 1142

Meeting 3:

October 31 from 12 - 1 p.m. in KC 1142

Meeting 4:

November 14 from 12 - 1 p.m. in KC 1142

Focuses on four outcome areas:

Voter Registration

Make voter registration simple and accessible to every student.

Voter Education

Empower students with information about candidates, ballot initiatives, and the voting process.

Voter Turnout

Encourage students to vote and make voting as accessible as possible.

Civility and Dialogue

Provide opportunities to discuss and debate divisive issues in a way that are productive and simple.

Student Voting Rates for GVSU 

2022 NSLVE Campus Report


5 students holding GVSU voting signs in front of pond

GVSU Votes Campus Plan

2022-23 Campus Plan


GVSU Votes! Campus Coalition Interest Form

If you're passionate about voting and interested in joining a nonpartisan group focused on growing voter engagement at GVSU, join us! We'll send you an email soon with more info and next steps.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to [email protected] or Melissa Baker-Boosamra at [email protected].

* denotes a required field

Human Verification *

Questions about the GVSU Votes! Campus Coalition? Feel free to reach out to [email protected] or Melissa Baker-Boosamra at [email protected].
GVSU Votes! is a civic engagement initiative sponsored by the Office of Student Life within the Division of Student Affairs.

Page last modified February 5, 2025