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Video and Multimedia


A Caption is the text equivalent of what is actually being spoken in a video or other multimedia. A Transcript is more than what is just being spoken; it includes the non-verbal details of the video such as laughter, dramatic music, the name of the person speaking, and other audio-only details.

Flashing content, especially more than three flashes per second, is also inaccessible content as it may cause those with photosensitive epilepsy to have an epileptic seizure attack, as was the case with the 1997 Pokémon instance.


As of July 2019, the GVSU CMS allows for videos to be embedded into your site from the following platforms; YouTube, Vimeo, Panopto, and Facebook. Each of these platforms offers automatic captioning which satisfies the minimum criteria for the use of online videos. However, while convenient, the automatic captioning can be inaccurate and incomplete, providing your users with a frustrating experience. For that reason, it's recommended to review the captions that are automatically added for accuracy, and correct as needed.

Captions and Transcriptions are critical for the deaf and hard of hearing community, but they are not the only audience that benefits from accurate captioning. Individuals in noisy or volume restricted environments like a Library and those who may not be fluent in the spoken language will all benefit from captioning. Captions are also likely to improve the retention of the information presented.

For additional support and resources about captioning videos or audio, please contact Student Accessibility Resources.

How To

Captioning / Transcribing

The process of adding captions and transcriptions to your videos often varies by platform. It is always best to refer to the specific platform support pages for the most up to date processes.

YouTube Help Center

Vimeo Help Center

Panopto Support

Facebook Help Center

Flashing Content

Your webpage should not include any video with content that flashes more than three times per second. If your video does flash more than three times per second it may cause individuals with a seizure disorder to have an attack. The New York Times reported that a 1997 Pokémon episode that aired only in Japan, sent over 700 people into seizures. Unfortunately, most people are not aware that they even have a seizure disorder until an attack, so a warning about flashing content is ineffective.

While there are calculations that help to ensure that flashing content is less likely to cause a seizure attack, we recommend excluding flashing content entirely when possible. If you must use content that flashes it is best to keep the flashing area as small as possible and in the same location within the video (e.g. the bottom right of the video player).

Page last modified January 6, 2025