Workday Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do you have questions about Workday? You've come to the right place! The most commonly asked questions about Workday are answered here. This FAQ list will be updated regularly as the project progresses, so remember to check here whenever you have a question. Don't see your question answered below? Please complete the Workday Question Form.

General FAQs

Workday is a state-of-the-art cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that will replace many of our current systems and manual processes. Workday manages Financials, HR and Payroll activities and data. The solution provides an improved user experience and faster, better access to data. 

Go to and select Workday. For more information, see the Accessing Workday job aid.

Workday is supported on Firefox, Chrome and Safari. 

Yes, everyone employed by GVSU will use Workday. Depending upon your role, you may use Workday to view payslips, update personal information,  request time off, submit timecards, enter expense reports, make purchases, submit invoices, etc. 

GVSU conducted an ERP review in 2020 & 2021 and determined that Workday was the solution that best meets our future needs. Main considerations for moving to Workday include:
- Usability: A simplified user experience that provides more effective workflows and access to data
- Technology Simplification: Consolidation of separate systems that eliminates unnecessary costs and support demands
- Innovation: Modern cloud technology that provides a foundation to meet the modern digital experience expectations of the GVSU community

Enterprise Resource Planning is the integrated management of software applications in business areas including Finance, HR and Payroll. 

There are several processes which currently occur in Banner Finance or related systems which will be completed in Workday in the future. Please see Finance & HR workstreams on the Project Team page to get an idea of affected areas. The details of the impact of Workday on existing processes will be iteratively analyzed through the design and testing of the solution. The GVSU Change Management team will provide communication and training regarding changes to processes.

Workday will provide all users with a modern look and feel, a user-friendly experience, an integrated system, access to real-time data and reports, and mobile access.

The GVSU Workday Change Management team created a Change Management strategy in Fall 2022 based upon interviews with key stakeholders and readiness survey responses. Two important components of this strategy include a communication plan and a training plan. We are also working with two liaison groups: the Workday Change Agent Network and the Workday for Managers group which creates a direct connection between each department and the Workday project team.

Yes, the work you complete related to Finance and HR activities will change. Workday streamlines these activities by automating workflows and directing tasks closest to those who need to act on them. This allows more time for innovative work to support students and strategic initiatives. 

Going live with Workday will initially lead to an increase in work as employees attend trainings, learn the new system, and transition to new ways of doing things. Typically, after a full year cycle, organizations review how substantially work may have changed.  

It is the goal of the Workday project to streamline, automate, and allow for direct access to data as much as possible. Upon go-live it will be normal to feel like using Workday is challenging and takes more time. As users begin to complete tasks, comfort levels increase, and using Workday becomes second nature. Communications and training prior to go-live will help set expectations and prepare everyone for using Workday.

Workday is intended to replace Banner Finance, Concur (for expense reports), PageUp, UltraTime, and other legacy systems and workflows identified throughout the project. A guiding principle of the project is a Standardized, Simplified Business Process, utilizing as much Workday functionality as possible and integrating other systems only as needed. As the project progresses, GVSU project team will confirm the systems that will integrate and those that will sunset.

Workday will not replace Banner Student with the initial January 2024 go-live. Banner Student is expected to be replaced by Workday Student in 2027. Systems unrelated to Finance and HR, Digital Measures, OnBase also will not be replaced by Workday. OnBase is expected to be utilized in a different manner, as some existing workflows may be contained within Workday. As the project progresses, detailed information will be provided on how existing systems will be impacted.

In addition to the ways in which staff members use the system, leaders may use Workday features such as budgeting, recruiting, and talent management. Anyone who has an individual (staff or student) reporting to them is considered a Workday Manager.

Yes, the Workday mobile application is accessed using OKTA. OKTA provides an additional layer of security on any service using single sign-on such as Workday.

For more advanced processes, use the desktop version of Workday. The mobile app is not designed to execute complex processes; mobile is convenient for approvals and employee self-service processes.

You will get action items on your Workday landing page in that Inbox. You will also get an email in your Outlook email.

Finance FAQs


Not necessarily. Supervisory organizations are different from Default Organization Assignments, which are used in Finance to determine defaults for payroll or expense reports.

  • Banking & Settlement
  • Budgets
  • Business Assets
  • Customers
  • Expenses
  • Endowments
  • Financial Accounting
  • Foundation Data Model (FDM)
  • Grants
  • Procurement
  • Projects
  • Supplier Accounts

The GVSU Procurement Department will maintain 2 credit card types (a Travel Card and a Procurement Card). Travel Card transactions are routed through the expense report process, whereas Procurement Card (P-Card) transactions are routed through the procurement card verification process. This is important for data reporting, as well as streamlining and separating personal business expenses from typical business expenses/procurement.

We have not loaded actuals or budget yet into the Workday. 


Research participants can be paid how they are today. If GVSU needs to make a larger payment that currently is done via Check request or expense report, those will be done in Workday as a supplier invoice request or expense report.

PSS set up as Cost Center Assistants will be able to complete reports for others. The individual the report is for will still need to review and submit the report

Per Diem in Workday is a standard rate for Domestic and International travel based on GSA and state department rates. We have also added standard rates for High Cost Cities and High Cost Countries. The Business and Finance office will review these rates annually. Workday will calculate 100% rates for each day of travel, you will validate the meals you are claiming Per Diem for each day.

This is still an accurate statement. We should use University cards for payment wherever possible.

No and Yes. Delegation is no longer an ‘all the time’ concept, it’s done on a case by case basis. Cost Center Assistants will be able to create reports for anyone, so that functionality is still available to create a report for someone else, you won’t need to delegate in as them though to do it.

No. The concept of requesting approval in advance is in Workday, but due to the lack of use in Concur, we are not using the functionality.

We do not get charged for each report any longer, but you can ‘Save for Later’ a report and continue adding to it. Each report needs approval, so it is a time saver for all involved to condense reports, but not required.

Yes, this is a University policy requirement, not specific to Concur or Workday

Yes, you will create separate reports for them, but not under your profile, so this will not be an issue.

No, not at this time. This process will remain manual.

Yes, card transactions are assigned to the card holder, not the card user.

Spend management and expense reporting are key features of Workday and offer user-friendly workflows, mobile options and integrated reporting. A guiding principle of the project is to utilize as much Workday functionality as possible, integrating other systems only as needed. The decision to initially implement Concur was made prior to any Workday discussions or research.

  1. Enter “Find Expense” report in search box  
  2. Fill in anything with an asterisk.  
  3. Click on the expense report.  
  4. Hit Edit Expense Report  
  5. Then “Add” a credit card transaction.”  


ou can have travel card transactions and personal transactions on one report. The company credit card transactions will feed into Workday and those will not be reimbursed. 

After you create the new expense report you will start to add the expense lines. You will use Expense Item ‘Personal Mileage’.  This item will calculate your mileage after you put in your origin and destination addresses.  If the reimbursement is for a round trip, please check that box on the right side of the screen.

Yes, every new supplier will have to be approved before you are able to start an expense report for them. The turnaround for approvals for new suppliers is 24-48 hours. 

During the first two weeks of Workday go-live, the project team discovered that Expense Reports were routing for unnecessary approval.  Expense reports created between 01/03/2024 and 01/15/2024 were also sent to the reviewer's Cost Center Assistant's supervisor and the Cost Center Manager's supervisor for additional approval in error.  The issue has been resolved in Workday.  For existing expense reports already forwarded for this additional approval, they must be approved by the assigned direct supervisor. Sorry for any inconvenience.  

Expense Cards

If your Cost Center Manager is out of the office, the expectation is that they would delegate their approval authority to someone else in the office so that transactions can be approved in a timely manner. They also have the option to "Bulk Approve" requisitions, which is a few clicks and can be done using a mobile app as well. We will not have the ability to use an expense card on Amazon in Workday. A requisition will need to be created.  

In Workday, all Amazon purchases will be made using the "Connect to Supplier Website" requisition. You will no longer be using an expense card to place orders on Amazon. This means that you won't have to reconcile those purchases on an expense report either.  


You will still be able to assign a Travel Arranger yourself in the Lightning booking tool. 

To add guests in Lightning, click the Add Guest Travelers link under the Add Travelers for This Itinerary field.  Then you will fill out the guest information on the next screen that pops up.  
To be a travel arranger for other employees, they will need to first add you as a Travel Arranger in their own Lightning Profile.  If they check the checkbox to make you a Primary Travel Arranger, you will receive all travel itineraries for that person, even if you were not the one who booked it.  

Internal Service Deliveries

Without the driver worktag (as discussed at the required FDM training) - when using the following funds, you must include the driver worktag or it will not post correctly. 

FD200 – Grant Worktag 
FD120, FD130, FD300, FD800 – Designation Worktag 
FD250, FD260, FD600, FD620 – Gift Worktag 

If you know where you used to charge it, you can use this to obtain the exact set of worktags. 

GVSU - Banner FDM Crosswalk 

  1. If you are correcting where an invoice was paid from (that was paid in Workday), you should follow the "Adjust Accounting" job aid (WD Job Aid - Financial Accounting - How to Adjust Accounting on a Supplier Invoice.docx
  2. If you are charging another department for a good or service, you should follow the "Internal Service Delivery" job aid (WD Job Aid-P2P-How to Create an Internal Service Delivery.docx)  
    1. If your department is not set up as an Internal Service Provider in the dropdown list, you should reach out to Terra Muckenthaler ([email protected]).
  3. If you need to transfer budget between general funds, you should follow the "Create Budget Amendment" job aid. This is coming soon. 
  4. For anything else, you should follow the "Department Journal Entry" job aid (WD Job Aid - Financial Accounting - How to Create a Department Journal Entry Request.docx

Foundation Data Model (FDM)

Projects in Workday relate to construction projects identified by Facilities Planning and the Business and Finance Office.

The Workday Foundation Data Model (FDM) is a completely new paradigm. It is made up of Company, Cost Center, Fund, and something called Worktags. Think of a worktag as a hashtag - it's a way to tag a transaction to a particular project, grant, or other activity. As part of the transition, we'll provide a crosswalk which shows 'current state' FOAPs aligned with 'future state' values. To learn more about the Foundation Data Model (FDM) click here.

Costs will be tracked in Workday through the use of Cost Center, Designation and Activity worktags set up to capture transactions in the same categories as used in Banner. Reports are being designed to capture NCAA reporting needs.

No – departments can either use spend categories, expense items or activities to track various needs.

At this time, an integration is not available to bring EMS invoice and payment information into Workday. These transactions will continue to be recorded via journal entry.

You can find this information by visiting our Workday Training Page under Finance Resources > Foundation Data Model.
The crosswalk can be found here: Banner FOAPs > Workday FDM Crosswalks. The full crosswalks will be posted here:  Foundation Data Model - Workday @ GVSU - Grand Valley State University 

Procure to Pay (P2P)

You have two options for setting up a new supplier: 

  1. You can submit a Supplier Request in Workday and attach the W-9. This is sent to the Supplier Administrator in the Accounting office to be set up. You can expect a 24-hour turnaround time for supplier requests. 
  2. The supplier can self-register through the Supplier Portal and provide their business information there. The prospective supplier request is sent to a Buyer in the Procurement office and then the Supplier Administrator in the Accounting office. Once the prospective supplier request reaches the Accounting office, you can expect a 24-hour turnaround time.

To learn more about the P2P process, click here.

All invoices are required to have a requisition/PO before they can be paid. If the supplier sends an invoice to Accounts Payable and a PO is not found, you will be notified to create a requisition.

Transactions will require approval from the Cost Center Assistant (if applicable and if this person is not the initiator of the requisition) and the Cost Center Manager at a minimum. Other worktags included on the transaction may add layers of approval (designation, project, grant, gift). Also, if a transaction is split between different worktags, the transaction will route for the same approvals from the owners of the different cost centers. If the transaction is $5,000 or greater, the last approval step is with the Buyer in the Procurement Services office.

Yes, Procurement Services will be in contact with the requester if anything else is required or if there are any questions. Since the Buyer is the last step in the approval process, the requisition automatically turns into a PO once it’s approved. The requisitioner will receive a notification in Workday when their PO has been created. You are also able to see the status of your requisition at any time using the “My Requisitions” report in Workday.

  • FOAP’S are being replaced by Worktags (FDM). You will use those on your transactions to designate which department and account your transaction will post to. 
  • Spend Categories and Expense Items are how you will charge line level details to ‘accounts’ 
  • Other Worktags in Workday are: Designation, Cost Center, Grant, Project, Gift and a label called Activity/ You are able to use any worktags in Workday (not just your department’s worktags). You can also put different worktags on separate line items or split one line item to multiple worktags. The owners of the worktags you are using will be inserted into the approval process for that transaction.
  • Please also see

You can use the “Find Suppliers” report in Workday to search for suppliers. The fields in Workday where you enter suppliers are searchable fields, so you can also type a portion of the supplier’s name into the field and search for it in the transaction. You do not need to know supplier numbers.

If you create a requisition that will be used to pay multiple invoices, the balance on the resulting purchase order will draw down when each invoice is paid. You can request a change order to increase the amount of your PO at any time in Workday.

There will be different ways to do departmental transfers within Workday (no longer in OnBase). There will be different ways to accomplish the transfer depending on the nature of the transfer, which will be outlined in training materials. Instead of needing to do transfer requests to move those funds, you can charge the department directly. You will be able to charge multiple Departments on your transactions now, ie Requisitions and Expense reports. The document will then be approved based on the worktags.

We are still working on if we can have more Cost Center Assistants per cost center, but one person could be a Cost Center Assistant for many cost centers.

Purchase Orders

Yes, you are able to use the “My Requisitions” and “Find Purchase Order Lines and Line Splits for Organization” to find a list of PO’s.

Please visit Workday Transition - Purchase Orders to find the instructions on how to look for converted POs in Workday from Banner. 

We are aware of this issue and have reached out to our Office Depot representative to see why there is a price discrepancy here. In the meantime, you can still order from Office Depot using your PCard, if you prefer to do that.  

Currently, Amazon does not support the auto-ship feature in the punchout. They recommend creating a "List" and using that to place orders for frequently purchased items.


Yes. These individuals will be a supplier, so their W-9 will be loaded in Workday when the Supplier Request is made.

Only a Cost Center Manager can make these changes if they were not the initiator.

You will use the same processes you use today to pay your student orgs. If you used a check request before, it will now be a Supplier Invoice Request.

The only way to get invoices processed for payment is by sending them to [email protected]. Attaching them anywhere else in Workday will not get them to the AP team to process.  

Cash Sales

Departmental deposits are now called Cash Sales in Workday. You can find more information and job aids here: Other Finance   

You can find the Cash Sale for Checks form here on the Controller’s Office page under “Forms”: Controller's Office


A requisition is a request to purchase goods or services. Requisitions collect relevant information needed for issuing a purchase order to the supplier and paying an invoice that is received including line item details, pricing, worktags, etc. Requisitions are approved by your Cost Center Assistant and Cost Center Manager (at a minimum) and will automatically turn into a Purchase Order and be issued to the supplier.

To learn more about requisitions, click here

Requisitions are required for all purchases that will be paid using an invoice, regardless of dollar amount. If you are making a purchase for less than $5,000 and it will be paid from an invoice, you will be required to complete a requisition for the purchase.

Non-invoice payments will use a Supplier Invoice Request (not a requisition), regardless of dollar amount. Anything that you are using an OnBase Check Request or Banner Check with Order PO for today will be a Supplier Invoice Request in Workday.

To learn more about Supplier Invoice Requests, click here

It is not a requirement, but a best practice. We recommend creating your requisition to mirror the quote or contract received from your supplier. This may include multiple line items, or just one line item that combines the goods and services. When you eventually create a receipt against your PO in Workday, you will receive differently based on whether it is a goods line or services line: 

  •  Goods lines: create a receipt for the quantity that was received. 
  • Services lines: create a receipt for the dollar amount that was received.

Yes, requisitions are required for all purchases that will be paid using an invoice, regardless of dollar amount.

You can include both goods and services lines on your requisition.

You can set up one requisition for multiple invoices, lines, or suppliers. We suggest creating the requisition to match the contract or quote you received from the supplier. For example, if the contract you signed with the supplier indicates monthly payments of $1,000 for 1 year, it would make sense to create one requisition for $12,000 that will be used to pay for all the invoices related to that contract.

You are able to find any requisitions you have created. Additionally, if you are a Cost Center Assistant or a Cost Center Manager, you will be able to view all of the purchase orders that have been created for your cost centers.

Yes, it is essentially the same, however the Procurement Services office does not consider that date during processing. If you have an urgent requisition, we recommend adding a comment or memo on the requisition itself as well as communicating that urgency to anyone in the approval process.

Yes, you are able to download a PDF or Excel spreadsheet of your requisition.

The Ship To locations are central receiving addresses for the different GVSU campuses. The Deliver To field will have buildings and room numbers. You are able to change both fields on the header of your requisition.

Yes, you can set up a delegation if you are out of the office.

Worktags are replacing the current Banner FOAPs. You will receive a crosswalk with your departments current FOAPs and how they translate to Workday worktags.

Yes, correct. In Workday, you will no longer need to use your PCard for Amazon and Office Depot purchases. You will create requisitions through connecting to the supplier website demonstration shown at the trainings. Here is the job aid: WD Job Aid-P2P-How to Create a Requisition (Connect to Supplier Website) in Workday.docx 

You can ignore the address listed in Amazon/ODP - nothing on that checkout screen will impact your order.  You can change the address in the header level of the requisition. That is what is put on the PO and sent to Amazon/ODP and it is what Amazon/ODP uses to ship your order.

You will have to create a requisition to get to your account. Then you will find your order and process the return.  

We are aware of this issue and have reached out to our Office Depot representative to see why there is a price discrepancy here. In the meantime, you can still order from Office Depot using your PCard, if you prefer to do that.  

Vendor Maintenance

Suppliers must be set up before you can enter a requisition in Workday. You have two options for supplier setup: 

  1. You can submit a Supplier Request in Workday and attach the W-9. This is sent to the Supplier Administrator in the Accounting office to be set up. You can expect a 24-hour turnaround time for supplier requests. 
  2. The supplier can self-register through the Supplier Portal and provide their business information there. The prospective supplier request is sent to a Buyer in the Procurement office and then the Supplier Administrator in the Accounting office. Once the prospective supplier request reaches the Accounting office, you can expect a 24-hour turnaround time.

You can use the “Find Suppliers” report to pull a list of suppliers. In that report, you can filter for supplier status.

Current Banner vendors are being converted to Workday suppliers, so the current naming will not change. You can submit a “Supplier Change Request” in Workday to request that a supplier’s name be changed.

Human Resources FAQs


The HR team is currently reviewing supervisory organizations and making updates to faculty and staff by 1/8/24.  Review of student employees is expected to be completed prior to 1/19/24.  For supervisory organization issues, email HR at [email protected].

  • Absence & Time Tracking
  • Benefits
  • Compensation
  • Human Capital Management (HCM)
  • Payroll
  • Recruiting
  • Talent Performance

Employees will be able to configure their Workday account to receive notifications for multiple actions. For any notification in Workday, you can choose to receive those immediately via email, mobile push notifications, as pop-ups within Workday, or not at all. If you do not want to receive notifications, vacation requests, submitted hours, and other actions will appear in your Workday account and you will need to login to your account to view any tasks assigned to you.

Workday was vetted by the university with a thorough security review and maintains all the necessary certifications and audits that are expected from any third party vendors GVSU works with. Human Resources is maintaining our current policies and levels of data sharing that are necessary to provide our employees with their benefits and any other business needs. Visit the Workday website to learn more about their security measures.

For additional information about security at GVSU:

A supervisory organization, or “Sup Org” is a grouping of employees who report to the same manager. In Workday, these groupings are built into a hierarchy that defines the reporting structure and organizational chart.


Yes, all hourly employees will log sick days in Workday.

Similar to the process in UltraTime, AP staff members will log vacation in Workday, but not sick time.

You can attach a doctor’s note in the Workday time off request online or on the mobile application.

Both the employee and the manager can enter sick time into Workday. Please consider the timing of when the sick day happened (if right before time is due, you might want to do it for them, if not, the employee could when they return).

Yes, employees who supervise others and departmental/unit leadership will have access to absence reporting and will be able to see absence requests for their teams only.


All current direct deposit arrangements and stored tax forms will be automatically loaded into an employee's Workday profile.


The hiring process for adjunct AP and adjunct faculty will be housed within WD. Instead of collecting employee information and sending the paperwork to HR, the information will be collected in WD. The new hire will submit their information in WD as well. The overall process will be similar.

We will not be adding new job postings during the freeze period, but it does not mean we will be freezing the hiring process. This will all depend on the type of staff departure. Please contact your HR Business Partner to inquire about your options.


When scheduling a report to run, go to the Share tab, and enter the users you want the report to be delivered to. Users will receive a notification, and they can view the report output by navigating to My Reports.


You can access available reports via the Search bar or from an app. Apps with reporting functionality list reports in the View section. You can also access reports within Business Processes. See the job aid on Reports for more information.

Access the desired report. From the related actions menu of the report, hover over the Report menu item (i.e. Standard Report, Custom Report) and select Schedule. Follow the prompts to set the schedule frequency, format, and delivery method.


If the report you are scheduling to run has default prompt values, and you select the Populate Default Prompt Values checkbox, then the scheduled report will use the default prompt values configured on the report definition.


The Catch Up Behavior option enables you to choose if the report will be run again if an error occurs.


Time Tracking & Approval

All hourly employees will either manually enter their time in Workday, or they will check-in/clock-in via their Workday profile. This can be done on a computer, handheld device, or a tablet kiosk station. Bi-weekly time approval will continue to be required for all hourly employees, including student employees, and will be completed through Workday. Time approvals will be able to be completed at the end of the week or end of the pay period. 

Learn more about what's changing with hourly time entry.

Yes. If you work the same schedule each week, you will be able to set up 'typical working hours' instead of reentering your start and end time each day. 

Yes, similarly to the current process in UltraTime, hourly employees will continue to enter their lunch period in Workday.

There will be a function to create work schedules, but not like a scheduling software would do. You can also manage your schedules in Workday. You will be able to create custom schedules and approve schedules that employees submit to supervisors. You can also view/edit/delete schedules. There will be a calendar view and a couple other views as well. You will be able to view all employees’ schedules in a calendar view for one day, 4 days, or a week at a time. We are still working through reports.

No, but there is a process in place for position updates.  This will allow for the changing of an employee's supervisor.

Time submitted will be in the manager's inbox. The inbox item updates as new time is submitted. There is a short-term mechanism in place to ensure all reported time is paid even if the supervisors have not been approved.  Once the system has stabilized and staff/supervisors are comfortable, time entries not approved will not be paid.

A timekeeper can make corrections on the employee's timesheet once payroll reopens and the correction will appear on the employee's next paycheck.  (Note: If you catch the issue before the Payroll deadline you should correct so that the correction picks up on the current check.)

No, Workday will not send reminder notifications to employees through Outlook.

Yes. Employees will get a notification if changes are made.

This is not current Workday functionality but may be included in a future release.

Training FAQs

As part of the University Workday initiative all GVSU faculty, staff, and student employees must complete Getting Started with Workday for All Employees. Other training is dependent upon role responsibilities. Also, additional course expectations may vary by department, and it's at the discretion of each department to decide if they have additional requirements. 

Visit the Training Overview page that applies to you or your role.
Take the Getting Started course and view the list of Workday Training courses.

All faculty and staff must complete Getting Started with Workday for All Employees by December 22, 2023.

You will still be able to access Workday on January 1, 2024. Please complete your training as soon as possible. Training related to time tracking is urgent in order to ensure correct payment.

You'll get access to the Workday training tenant by either:

  1. registering for the instructor-led version of Getting Started with Workday for All Employees or
  2. requesting access associated with completing the self-paced version of Getting Started.

Registration and requests must be submitted by Thursday at noon the week prior to taking the course for access during the course.

Yes, attendance and completion is tracked, and will be reported to Appointing Officers.

Training is captured via Sprout for instructor-led, and via online form for self-paced. Website for leaders updated weekly. 

Workday job aids include step-by-step instructions with screen shots for different activities within Workday. It is also recommended that you practice in the Workday training system.

Please use the Workday Contact Form to submit your question to the Workday project team.

Visit the Training Overview page that applies to you or your role.

Take the Getting Started course and view the list of Workday Training courses.

The Workday Training Kickoff occurred in October 2023. Review the PowerPoint, and/or watch the recording.

Workday Training will occur November 2023 through January 2024 and beyond. 

The Workday Training Kickoff occurred in October 2023. Review the PowerPoint, and/or watch the recording.

Workday Training will occur November 2023 through January 2024 and beyond. 

Workday Training will be categorized by roles and job responsibilities including:

  • All Employees
    • Hourly Employees
    • Benefits Eligible Employees
    • Student Employees
  • Managers
  • Financial Oversight
  • Job Responsibilities:
    • Recruiting
    • Ordering Supplies
    • Entering Expenses
    • Etc.

We have drafted a training strategy and formed the Workday Training Team, including these members:

  • Information Technology: Dave Bengry, Belinda Boardman, Josh Marko, Nick Nelson
  • Finance: Audra Courtade, Erica Herwig, Stacey Lefevre, Karen Mushong, Heather White
  • Human Resources: Chelsea Best, Lindsey DesArmo, Natalie Trent, Joseph VanArendonk
  • e-Learning: Steph Balaskas
  • Student Employment: Katelyn Johnson

Student FAQs

GVSU will be transitioning from Banner Student to Workday Student for many student and academic functions in 2027.  The current focus is on the Workday Platform solution for finance, HR, and payroll functions. Workday Platform will go live in January 2024. Official project work on Banner Student will begin in 2024, after the Workday Platform launch. 

Workday Platform is the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that will replace GVSU’s existing ERP system, Banner Finance, and related systems. Workday Platform will go live in January 2024 and will impact finance and HR processes specific to GVSU faculty, staff, and student workers. These processes include budgets, expenses, invoices, recruiting/onboarding, payroll, etc. 

Workday Student is the Student Information System (SIS) from Workday that will replace GVSU’s current SIS, Banner Student. Workday Student is scheduled to go live in 2027 and will impact processes specific to students and faculty including registering for courses, academic advising, etc. 

Through Reach Higher 2025, GVSU has committed to an empowered educational experience.  A number of GVSU leadership, faculty, and staff members from the Academic Affairs, Enrollment, Educational Outreach, and Financial Aid divisions participated in a review of Workday Student to ensure that it meets the needs of the university. 

The decision was based on our evaluation of the product, our consultation with peer institutions, and our understanding of the current offerings. Additionally, the connectedness of Workday Student to Workday Platform allows for additional efficiencies and synergies. 

As part of our commitment to students, we look forward to partnering with Workday to pave the way for the future of Student Information Systems.   

Each university that evaluates Workday Student (Student) does so based on circumstances unique to their campus and potential Workday project. Many large institutions, including Iowa State University, have implemented Student, and many other large state systems have also committed to doing so. The anticipated 2027 timing of GVSU’s Student go-live also allows additional time for product development. 

The university’s focus is on a successful launch of the Workday Platform because it will go live in 2024. 

Most current GVSU students will not be impacted by the transition to Workday Student because implementation is expected to take place after they graduate. 

Page last modified January 22, 2025