Workday Platform Optimization

Workday Platform launched on January 3, 2024. The first six months post-go-live is the stabilization period during which the project team addresses issues where Workday is not functioning as designed or is a critical operational issue. The most significant of these are shared on the known issues page.

The Workday governance and project team has also begun preliminary work on Workday optimization which includes improvements to Workday functionality that were not in the initial project plan and are not critical for GVSU operations. Below are the top items that are currently being considered for optimization efforts. These items have been identified based upon a number of factors including the impact to end users, the level of effort to address, the availability of needed resources, etc.

If you have any questions or optimization requests, please complete the Workday Contact Form or contact Finance or HR directly.

Workday Optimization Items

Optimization Item




Estimated Resolution Timeframe**

Payment Refunds Workflow


The Finance team will begin work on this workflow once Journal Entry Requests have been optimized. The Miscellaneous Payment Business Process within Workday (and potentially other Workday functionality) will be used for non-tax reportable payments including refunds.

Work in Progress

June 2025

Unified Supplier Portal


Enables suppliers to access all of their customer information from both Workday and Strategic Sourcing in the new Unified Supplier Portal, using Workday Central Login.

With a single login, suppliers will be able to access: Action Items, Contract Negotiations, Events (RFPs and Auctions), Forms, Invoices and Payments, Performance Reviews, and POs


June 2025

Unit Head HR Approvals


The HR team is reviewing a Unit Head security role which will allow adding Unit Head approval as a step within Human Resources Business Processes (BPs).  (This item is separate from but related to the Unit Head Financial Approvals item.)

Work in Progress


Calendar Self-Scheduler


The HR team is reviewing the Candidate Self-Schedule function and how to streamline scheduling interviews. This includes the creation of the calendar, notifications, and how to view scheduled interviews.

Work in Progress


PCard Applications and Auditing


The Finance team is evaluating options for automating the Purchasing Card, Declining Balance Card, and Expense Card applications and maintenance requests. 



Security Requests and Changes


The Finance team will be working to use different Workday functionality to request and process new security roles and changes. 



Recurring Supplier Invoices


The Finance team will create a new workflow for requesting recurring supplier invoices in Workday.



*Status – Optimization items have been reviewed by the Workday Governance Group. Status definitions include: 

  • Pending: pending further review by the project team to confirm viability of the intended solution and/or next steps 

  • Work in Progress: next steps have been identified and begun 

  • Complete: the resolution has been implemented 

  • Cancelled: it was determined that the intended solution was not viable 


**Estimated Resolution Timeframe – Many items will need to undergo further review. Outcomes and timeframes are tentative and subject to change.

Completed Workday Optimization Items

Optimization Item




Resolution Timeframe

Job Requisition Requirements

Talent Acquisition

Organizational advancements and promotions (including promotions in the merit planning process) will no longer require a job requisition, which improves the ease and time to process.


February 2025

Journal Entry Request


A new question has been added to the journal entry request form to help guide users to the correct process for the accounting change that is needed. Users may be directed to follow a different process based on the responses provided. New reports are available to assist with tracking the progress of requested journal entries.

  • The GVSU My Requests report shows requests submitted by the user.
  • The GVSU Find Requested Journals report shows journal entries that have been created from user's requests, and who a journal may be awaiting action by.


February 2025

Invoices with No Requisitions


Invoices received by Accounts Payable with no Purchase Order needed to be emailed to departments to have a PO created and submitted back to AP via email. The Finance team has determined a way to route these invoices within Workday.


December 2024

GVSU Purchase Order Balance Report


A new report called "GVSU Supplier Invoice Payment Details" is now available. This report can be used to look up your department's invoices to see their status as well as payment information. Please note, you will not see supplier invoice requests with an SIR# on this report. When that supplier invoice request is approved and turned into a supplier invoice with an SINV#, that is when it will appear on this report. 


October 2024

Workday Notification: Time Approval Needed


This functionality sends a Workday notification to managers when it is time to approve their team's time entries. Prior to this, HR Business Partners were emailing managers when approvals were not completed in a timely manner. 


October 2024

Workday Notification: Time Off Request Responses


This functionality sends a Workday notification to employees when their Manager or Timekeeper approves or declines their time off request.


September 2024

Workday Bi-annual Release Updates

Finance, HR, IT

Workday administers bi-annual releases in March and September. The Finance, HR, and IT teams are reviewing and testing updates that will go live on September 21, 2024.


September 2024

Workday Finance Notifications


The Finance team is updating a number of Workday notifications related to Finance transactions.


September 2024

Unit Head Financial Approvals


The Finance team is testing a Unit Head security role which will allow adding Unit Head approval as a step within Business Processes (BPs) related to expenses, invoice processing, and grants. (This item is separate from but related to the Unit Head HR Approvals item.)


September 2024

Workday Notifications


Some Workday notifications are sent via email. The templates for these email notifications are being updated to a more consistent format.


June 2024

Page last modified February 25, 2025