Laurie Beth Nederveld '09
During my graduate research, I studied the impact of sediment remediation on stream conditions using a benthic macroinvertebrate index of biotic integrity.
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During my graduate research, I studied the impact of sediment remediation on stream conditions using a benthic macroinvertebrate index of biotic integrity.
Spending Fall days at the Sustainable Agriculture Project taking care of the honey bee hives and harvesting vegetables.
I was given the opportunity to complete my teacher assisting in Stellenbosch, South Africa with a group of school of education students. We stayed with host families and also did some traveling for 6 weeks. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. 2.
My favorite memory is probably a collection of memories that I have while working as a dispatcher at the Grand Valley Police Department. I have life-long friends that I met there, I've even officiated two weddings for friends I met at the dispatch desk.
My favorite Grand Valley memory was tailgating with my fraternity brothers before football games. Everyone was decked out in GVSU colors, ready to cheer the team on.