Scholarship Opportunities
GVSU, Local, and National Awards
Several university offices provide information on thousands of grants, fellowships, and scholarships for which students in the biological sciences can apply.
The Office of Financial Aid Scholarship Page has a searchable database of scholarship opportunities including those for new students, scholarships offered by GVSU, and scholarships from external sources.
The Frederik Meijer Office of Fellowships advises highly competitive students seeking nationally competitive awards from prestigious award programs.
Biology and Natural Resources Management
Apply for any of the scholarships or awards listed below through myScholarships. Applications are due March 1, unless otherwise indicated.
John Ball Zoo/Grand Valley State University Student Research Fellowship: John Ball Zoo has partnered with the GVSU Biology Department to offer a summer research fellowship to GVSU students interested in working on projects that support the conservation of species and their natural environments. Successful applicants will be awarded $3,000.00 to support their dedication to a summer research project and/or for travel that may be necessary for project completion. There is no minimum GPA required for this fellowship, and both undergraduate and graduate students may apply. Interested students should work with a faculty mentor to develop a research project for application. Click here for the application. Applications are due March 1.

Michigan Garden Club Scholarship: The Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc., Scholarship is a competitive scholarship of $1,000.00 awarded annually to one student.
- Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0
- Sophomore standing or higher (including graduate standing).
The scholarship will be awarded to a student studying: Horticulture, Floriculture, Landscape Design, Botany, Forestry, Conservation, Agronomy, Plant Pathology, Environmental Concerns, Land Management and/or related fields.
Applications are due December 1.
The DeWitt Barrels Inc. Environmental Science and Natural Resources Management Scholarship: DeWitt Barrels has partnered with Grand Valley State University to offer a scholarship to students pursuing careers in the preservation and restoration of natural resources.
- Candidates must be a full-time degree-seeking Junior who has earned 55 or more credit hours
- Must be studying Natural Resources Management
- Must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Candidates must demonstrate their intention to enter a career involving preservation or restoration of our natural resources. No particular course path is required to apply, the sciences are likely to lead to a career in an environment science or natural resource field.
- Must demonstrate financial need and must file FAFSA
- Transfer candidates must be accepted to GVSU to apply
Renewal Criteria: Scholarships may be renewed without reapplication for a max of (4) semesters.
The John Shontz Scholarship: Merit scholarship awarded to a student majoring in Biology with a declared emphasis in Plant Biology. Applicants must be undergraduates with sophomore standing or higher as of the Fall prior to application.

The Barbara Waddell Research Award: Scholarship awarded to a student who wants to conduct research in native plants and their use in gardening, landscaping, ecosystem restoration eradication of undesirable invasive species or conservation of native species of plants. The student must be majoring in either Biology or Natural Resources Management. Applicants must be undergraduates with sophomore standing or higher as of the Fall prior to application.
The Arlene Treanor Internship Award: Provides funding to support an internship for a student with interests in use of native plants in landscaping. The internship is to be at a plant nursery, landscaping business or agency that fosters the use of native plants in landscaping. Applicants must be undergraduates with sophomore standing or higher as of the Fall prior to application. Before submitting this application, you must have arranged for an internship with a faculty sponsor, your academic advisor, and an agent of the business or agency where you will work. This award will compensate the student for travel and materials associated with the internship as well as providing a $1,000 stipend.
To apply:
1. You should consult with a faculty member in the Biology Department who will help you contact an appropriate agency or business. You must then contact that agency or business and arrange when you would do the internship and what sort of activities in which you would be involved. You must be working in the use of native plants in landscaping.
2. You must arrange with a faculty member to be your sponsor and to register for the appropriate internship credits.
3. You must also submit an application through myScholarships.
Professor Paul A. Huizenga Biology Education Scholarship: This scholarship was established to promote the legacy of Professor Huizenga who was committed to teaching biology.
- Must be entering your junior or senior year of study. Transfer students at the junior or senior level may be considered.
- Must be accepted and enrolled as a full-time student with a biology major and seeking secondary teacher certification in the college of education, intending to teach biology at a secondary school level
- Candidates must be making satisfactory academic progress
- Priority will be given to candidates based on a combination of academic merit and financial need as jointly determined by the Biology Department and the Financial Aid Department
Renewal Criteria: Renewable Max four semesters.

John Salski Memorial Award: Named in honor of the late John Salski, a biology alumnus, whose financial gift made this award possible. Applicants must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, be an undergraduate majoring in Biology or NRM, and have completed 15 credit hours of Biology or NRM coursework at Grand Valley. The award is given only for Biology or NRM summer activity or research.
Howard and Rose Stein Scholarship: Named in honor of the late Howard J. Stein, Professor Emeritus of Biology and his wife, Rose. Applicants must be a major that is also earning a secondary teaching certificate OR a major who intends to pursue a research career with a laboratory focus after graduation. Additionally the student must satisfy the following requirements:
1. Entering the junior undergraduate year in the Fall semester prior to application. Scholarships may be renewed for one year. The definition of the junior undergraduate year is flexible, as guidelines, either someone starting their fifth or sixth semester (excluding summer semesters) or having completed between 44 to 70 credit hours.
2. Enrolled with full-time status as a Biology, Natural Resources Management, or Cell and Molecular Biology degree-seeking student.
3. Cumulative grade point average [GVSU and transfer credits of 3.2 or better (4.0 system)].
4. Accepted by Grand Valley State University for enrollment or currently attending the University.
Eric A. Andres Live, Laugh, Love, Learn Scholarship: The purpose of this scholarship is to reward students who demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning and are pursuing a career in Cell Molecular Biology.
- Candidates must be a junior, senior, or transfer student
- Candidates must be enrolled as a Biology or Cell Molecular Biology major (All other Biology majors are welcome to apply)
*Candidates must have at least a 3.2 GPA - Must be attending full-time and making satisfactory academic progress
- Preference will be given to students from the West Michigan area and to nontraditional age students who are working full-time, motivated to succeed, dedicated, and value lifelong learning in education. Preference will be given to students pursuing careers in Plant Cell Molecular Biology.
*Must demonstrate financial need by filing a FAFSA
Renewal Criteria: Automatically renewed for a max 4 semesters provided the recipient continues to meet the eligibility requirements.

Shelby Fazio '13 Memorial Endowed Scholarship: Shelby Fazio graduated from the Frederik Meijer Honors College at Grand Valley State University in 2013 with a degree in Biology. During her high school and college years, Shelby dedicated much of her time to helping others through her volunteer work and service projects as a member of the Lapeer West High School Key Club and with Grand Valley’s Circle K. She hoped to one day work as a conservation biologist, which motivated her move to Orlando, Florida. She continued to bring joy to others’ lives after graduation while working at Walt Disney World.
Shelby believed that life was what you made it and sought out any opportunity for adventure. Shelby and her beloved dog, Azaia, were tragically killed on October 26, 2014. She touched many people in her short life and left a positive mark on this world that will not soon be forgotten. Her death is mourned and she continues to be missed by many.
Created in honor of Shelby’s memory, the Shelby Fazio ’13 Memorial Endowed Scholarship will assist primarily Biology and Natural Resources Management majors at Grand Valley. Gifts to this fund will enhance educational opportunities at the university and help with the cost of study abroad trips.
How to Apply
Apply for any of the scholarships or awards listed above through myScholarships. Applications are due March 1, unless otherwise indicated.