Donate to a Scholarship
"I became interested in research on the Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake two year ago through Undergraduate Research Grants for Environment at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute. Receiving the Moore Biology Graduate Scholarship has provided me the opportunity better myself through higher education and continue my research on unique and threatened species. My thesis will focus on reassessing the status of several unknown populations and understanding the habitat characteristics that causes local extinctions, and would not be possible without this scholarship. Through this research and related coursework, I will be able to travel throughout Michigan's lower peninsula to educate and share my passion for this commonly misunderstood and ecologically important species." Arin T. 2017 David and Diana Moore Biology Graduate Student Assistantship recipient.
"I wish I had the words to define how amazing and valuable my trip to South Africa was. Nothing in life can prepare you for being within arm's reach of a herd of wild elephants, or making eye contact with a wild lion less than 10 ft away as he roars, or touching the horn of a living rhino. I'll carry those experiences with me forever." Michelle F. 2017 Shelby Fazio '13 Memorial Endowed Scholarship recipient.

Biology Field & Laboratory Enhancement Fund
Supports lab and field experiments.

David and Diana Moore Biology Graduate Student Assistantship
Support for a full-time Graduate Student Assistantship.

DeWitt Barrels - Environmental Science and Natural Resources Scholarship Fund
Assists students pursuing careers in the preservation and restoration of natural resources.

Eric A. Andres Live, Laugh, Love, Learn Scholarship Endowment
Benefits nontraditional students working full-time. Preference will be given to students pursuing careers in plant cell molecular biology and other biology majors.

Howard & Rose Stein Biology Scholarship Endowment
Benefits deserving students majoring in biology, natural resources management, or cell and molecular biology.
John Salski Memorial Fund
Provides for students in the biology department.

Paul A. Huizenga Biology Education Scholarship
Benefits full-time juniors with a biology major seeking secondary teacher certification.

Shelby Fazio '13 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund assists students interested in wildlife ecology, conservation or animal behavior with costs of studying abroad or scholarship that will enhance their educational experience at GV.