Faculty/Staff Directory

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  • Professor


Office Address
3390E Kindschi Hall of Science

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Areas of Expertise
Aquatic Biology, Ecology, Stream Ecology

Professional Societies

Society for Freshwater Science
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters
Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society

Courses Taught at GVSU

BIO 120 General Biology I
BIO 215 Ecology
BIO 402/502 Aquatic Insects
BIO 417 International Field Biology in Ecuador
BIO 450/550 Stream Ecology
BIO 495 Biology Capstone
HNR 151 Water in a Changing World
NRM 576 Aquatic Ecosystem Management

Research Interests

Impact of an invasive freshwater clam (Corbicula fluminae) on an urban stream, Buck Creek, MI: Research combines laboratory and in-stream experiments to evaluate the effect of different densities of Corbicula on interstitial water chemistry, macroinvertebrates, and benthic algae. (1 graduate student, ongoing)

Development of a habitat suitability model for juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in the lower Grand River, MI: Using existing geomorphological data, a habitat suitability model will be developed and tested in the lower Grand River. In addition, we will attempt to capture and tag juvenile sturgeon for telemetry tracking to evaluate movement patterns and habitat preference. (1 graduate student, ongoing)

Management and conservation of burbot (Lota lota):  Burbot are an understudied fish, considered to be keystone predators in lakes and streams. Ongoing research will explore their movement patterns and identify habitat preferences and home-range distribution. (1 graduate student, completed 2022)

Aquatic macroinvertebrates as biological indicators in the Grand River, MI: Biological indicators, such as aquatic macroinvertebrates, are used to evaluate aquatic ecosystem integrity. A comparison of 25 sites in the Grand River allows us to (i) establish baseline conditions in the downtown reach of Grand River, Grand Rapids, where restoration of the river is slated to occur in beginning in the summer of 2021, and (ii) apply trait-based metrics that consider functional as well as structural integrity. (1 graduate student, 1 undergraduate student, completed 2022)

Freshwater mussel conservation: how do we do better at translocation:  Freshwater mussels are one of the most imperiled invertebrate animals on the planet and translocation is an important conservation tool.  But we know relatively little about the environmental, physical, chemical, and biological attributes influencing successful outcomes.  (1 graduate student, completed 2021)

Niche partitioning between Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and Brown Trout (Salmo trutta):  Exploration of the behavioral and feeding interactions between these species in a small, headwater stream.  Experimental manipulations are planned.  (1 graduate student, ongoing)

 Ecology of River Redhorse (Moxostoma carinatum):  Graduate student research will focus on habitat selection and eDNA sampling to explore distribution of this state threatened species. (1 graduate student, ongoing)

 Ecology of Neotropical cloud forest streams, Ecuador:  A study-abroad class participated in research to establish baseline biological conditions using macroinvertebrate, chemical and physical characteristics in 3 river systems located within the Pichincha Province of Ecuador—a cloud forest biome. Graduate student research has continued with an assessment of the riparian amphibian population and a food web study using stable isotopes focusing on several species of glass frogs and upcoming research will explore the potential impacts of rainbow trout farming on the aquatic ecosystems within the cloud forest. (2 graduate & multiple undergraduate students, ongoing)

Ecology and management of freshwater dune wetlands:  Graduate research will focus on the relationship between interdunal wetland characteristics such as size, hydroperiod, and biogeographic proximity to other wetlands, and biodiversity with an emphasis on amphibian community structure. (1 graduate & 2 undergraduate students, ongoing)

Establishing base-line biophysical condition in the Coldwater River, MI, post riparian removal and dredging: 


Ph. D. Idaho State University, 1993-200. Major: Zoology, emphasis Stream Ecology. Advisor: Dr. G. Wayne Minshall
M. S. Central Michigan University, 1991-1993. Major: Aquatic Biology. Advisors: Drs. Robert H. and Donna K. King
B. S. Manchester College, Indiana, 1986-1990. Major: Biology and Chemistry

Select Publications

Preville*, N.M, E.B. Snyder, D. O’Keefe, S. Hanshue, A. Russell.  2022.  Habitat Use and Tributary Occupancy of the Threatened River Redhorse (Moxostoma carinatum) in the Grand River, MI, USA. Aquatic Sciences, 84(3):1-11.

Mancuso*, J., A. Weinke, I. Stone, S. Hamsher, M.M. Woller-Skar, E.B. Snyder and B. Biddanda. 2021. Bloom and bust: Historical trends of harmful algal blooms in Muskegon Lake, Michigan, a Great Lakes estuary. Freshwater Science, 40(3), pp. 463-77.

Krynak, K.L., Wessels, D.G., Imba, S.M., Krynak, T.J., Snyder, E.B., Lyons, J.A. and Guayasamin, J.M., 2020. Call survey indicates rainbow trout farming alters glassfrog community composition in the Andes of Ecuador. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation14(2), pp.1-11.

Krynak, K.L.,  D.G. Wessels*, S. Imba, A. Loudon, E.B. Snyder, T. Krynak, J. Lyons, J. Guayasamin.  2018.  A Preliminary study of the skin-associated bacterial microbiome of Caecilia buckleyi (Amphibia: Caeciliidae). Herpetological Review.

Wagner , A.S., A.L. LaValley , K.L. Kyrnak, T.J., Krynak, and E.B. Snyder.  2017.  Anolis gemmosus (Gem anole). Sleep site fidelity.  Herpetological Review, Natural History Notes. 48(3):636.

Kuzniar*, Z., R. VanKirk, E.B. Snyder.  2016Seasonal Effects of Macrophyte Growth on Rainbow Trout Habitat Availability and Selection in a Low-gradient, Groundwater-dominated River.  Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 26:653-665.

DeBoer*, J.A., J.M. Holtgren, S.A. Ogren, and E.B. Snyder.  2015.  Movement and habitat use by mottled sculpin in a sand-dominated 1st order stream following habitat restoration.  American Midland Naturalist. 173:335-345.

Keller, T.A., E.B. Snyder, J.W. Feminella.  2011.  Mechanisms and potential implications of fragmentation in low-order streams (Introduction to special issue on Biotic Implications of Fragmentation of Low-Order Streams). Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 30:1093-1094.

DeBoer*, J.A., J.M. Holtgren, S.A. Ogren, and E.B. Snyder.  2011.  Resiliency of resident fish to a 100-year flood in a low-gradient Michigan stream.  American Midland Naturalist 166:446-452.

Salas, A., and E.B. Snyder.  2009.  Diel Summer Movement Patterns of Fish in Sickle Creek, Manistee County, Michigan. American Midland Naturalist 163:33-43.

Snyder, E.B.,  and G.W. Minshall.  2005An energy budget for the Kootenai River, Idaho (USA), with application for management of the Kootenai white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus.  Aquatic Sciences 67:472-485.

Thomas, S.A., T.V. Royer, E.B. Snyder, and J.C. Davis.  2005.  Organic carbon spiraling in an Idaho river.  Aquatic Sciences 67:424-433.

Stanford, J.A., F.R. Hauer, S.A. Gregory, E.B. Snyder.  2005The Columbia River.  Pages 591-654 in A.C. Benke, C.E. Cushing (eds.) The Rivers of North America.  Academic Press.

Snyder, E.B., C.P. Arango, D.J. Eitemiller, J.A. Stanford, M.L. Uebelacker.  2003.  Floodplain hydrologic connectivity and potential for restoration in the Yakima River Basin, USA. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.  Vol. 28(4):1653-1657.

Recent Presentations

Snyder, E.B.  2022. Longitudinal Patterns in Macroinvertebrate Community Functional Feeding Groups and Metabolism in the Grand River (6th order), Michigan, USA with Applications for River Restoration and Management. (oral) Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting; Grand Rapids, MI.

Snyder, E.B.  2020.  Ecology of neotropical streams.  (invited, oral) Annis Water Resources Institute, Muskegon, MI.

Snyder, E.B., J. Radecki†, K. Sheets†, A. Wassilak†, N. Preville*, B. Dennis†.  2020. Freshwater mussels, macroinvertebrates, and fish: Structural and functional connections in an upper-midwestern river.  (oral) Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, IL.

Snyder, E.B., A. Harris*, D. Wessels*.  2018.  Neotropical cloud-forest streams: macroinvertebrate regime shifts, food webs, and consequences of non-native rainbow trout.  (oral) Society for Freshwater Science, annual meeting, Detroit, MI.

Snyder, E.B., N. Preville*, and J. Radecki .  2017.  Consequences of riparian removal and dredging on the ecological health of the Coldwater River, MI.  (oral) Invited seminar – Barry County Conservation District and Pierce Cedar Creek Institute.

Snyder, E.B.  2016.  River regulation and dam removal in Michigan: lessons learned.  (oral) Invited seminar – Pierce Cedar Creek Institute, noon seminar series.

Snyder, E.B., A.H. Harris, and J. Lyons.  2016.  Physical habitat, macroinvertebrate community structure, and stream metabolism in the headwaters of an Ecuadorian cloud forest stream network.  (poster) Annual meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, Sacramento, CA. 

Snyder, E.B.  2016.  River ecology in the Neotropics and United Kingdom applied to teaching and research.  (poster) Sabbatical show-case.

Snyder, E.B., T. Krynak, K. Krynak, & J. Lyons.  2015.  Ecology and management of neotropical rivers: Lessons from the cloud forest in Ecuador.  (oral) Annual meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, Milwaukee, WI.

Snyder, E.B.  2015.  Intersections between ecology, evolution, the arts and religion.  (oral) Invited Seminar – Community Arts Program, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Beulah, MI.

Snyder, E.B.  2015.  Evolutionary Biology, the Arts, and Religion.  (oral) Invited Seminar – Community Artist and Speaker Series, First Presbyterian Church, Grand Haven, MI.

Snyder, E.B.  2014.  Ecology and management of neotropical rivers: lessons from Ecuador.  (oral) Invited Seminar – Annis Water Resources Institute, Muskegon, MI.

Snyder, E.B., J. McNair, N. Morrison†, & M. Krause†.  2013.  FPOM transport modeling: surface and mid-depth injection using corn pollen as an analog.  (poster) Annual meeting of the Society of for Freshwater Science, Jacksonville, FL.


Page last modified May 1, 2020