A-Z List
Please select a letter to browse all GVSU policies that begin with that letter.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Show AllA
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Abuse of the Conduct Process | STU 5.2.1 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Academic Affairs | BOT 3.1 | Office of General Counsel |
Academic Affairs Organizational Chart | ORG 1.5 | Office of General Counsel |
Academic Freedom | BOT 4.2.2 | Office of General Counsel |
Academic Governance | BOT 3.1.4 | Office of General Counsel |
Academic Policies | BOT 3.3 | Office of General Counsel |
Academic Program Budgetary Review Process | SG 2.07 | Provost Office |
Academic Support Units | BOT 3.1.3 | Office of General Counsel |
Accompanying Students Outside the U.S.A. Policy | SLT 3.16 | Office of the Provost |
Accreditation | SG 2.08 | Provost Office |
ADA Accommodation Policy for Faculty, Staff, and Students with Disabilities | SLT 9.5 | Inclusion and Equity |
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Appointments | BOT 4.5.1 | Office of General Counsel |
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Benefits | BOT 4.5.3 | Office of General Counsel |
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff Compensable Service | BOT 4.5.2 | Office of General Counsel |
Adjunct Executive, Administrative, and Professionals Staff | BOT 4.5.0 | Office of General Counsel |
Administration Organization Chart | ORG 1.1 | Office of General Counsel |
Adoption Leave Policy | SLT 4.1 | Human Resources |
Affiliate Faculty Evaluation Procedures and Promotion to Senior Affiliate Faculty | AFF 3.01 | Office of the Provost |
Alcohol | STU 5.2.2 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy | SLT 5.1 | Alcohol and Other Drugs Campus Education and Services Office (ACES) |
Alcohol Policy | SLT 5.3 | Public Safety |
Allowable Cost Policy | SLT 3.11.1 | Office of Sponsored Programs |
Alumni House Policy for Faculty/Staff | SLT 8.1 | Alumni Relations |
Amnesty for Alcohol or Drug Violations | STU 10.0 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Animals on Property | STU 5.2.3 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Animals on Property Owned or Controlled by the University | SLT 6.1 | Public Safety |
Art Collection Maintenance and Care Policy | SLT 3.1 | Art Gallery Department |
Authority | STU 2.0 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Board of Trustees' Bylaws | BOT Bylaws | Office of General Counsel |
Bridge Fund Request Policy | SLT 3.2 | Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence |
Bullying | STU 5.2.4 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Cancellation/Closure/Remote Policy | SLT 6.3 | Finance and Administration |
Cellular Phone and Wireless Communication Policy | SLT 11.1 | Information Technology |
Chapter 0 - Definitions | BOT 0.0 | Office of General Counsel |
Cheating | STU 5.1.1 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Classroom Removal Policy | STU 11.0 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
College Governance Policies | SG 1.04 | Provost Office |
Collusion | STU 5.1.2 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Commercial Activity Policy | SLT 10.4.1 | Office of General Counsel |
Computer Virus and Malware Policy | SLT 11.3 | Information Technology |
Computing Conditions of Use (Information Technology) | SLT 11.5 | Information Technology |
Conduct Process and Resolution Procedures | STU 6.0 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Conference and Event Planning Policy | SLT 6.22 | Conference Planning & Hospitality Services |
Confidentiality, Data & Security Policy | SLT 11.7 | Information Technology |
Conflict of Interest in Research Policy | SLT 3.4 | Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence |
Conflict of Interest Policy | SLT 10.1 | Office of General Counsel |
Consensual Relationship Policy | SLT 9.2 | Inclusion and Equity/Office of Affirmative Action |
Continuation of Benefits | SG 5.01 | Human Resources |
Cook-DeVos Center Student Access Cards Policy | SLT 6.2 | Pew Campus Operations |
Copyright Policy | SLT 3.5 | University Libraries |
Cost Sharing Policy for Externally Sponsored Projects | SLT 3.11.2 | Office of Sponsored Programs |
Crisis Communication Plan | SLT 7.1 | University Communications |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Damage to Property | STU 5.2.5 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Development Division | BOT 8.5 - 8.10 | Office of General Counsel |
Digital Media Policy | SLT 11.6 | Information Technology |
Dishonesty | STU 5.2.11 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Disorderly Conduct Policy | SLT 6.31 | Public Safety |
Disruptive Conduct | STU 5.2.6 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Dissemination Policy for Scholarly Work with Graduate Students | SG 6.04 | Provost Office |
Division of People, Equity and Culture | BOT 9.1 - 9.10 | Office of General Counsel |
Division of Student Affairs Organization Chart | ORG 1.10 | Office of General Counsel |
Drugs | STU 5.2.7 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Dual Submission | STU 5.1.3 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Email Policy | SLT 11.2 | Information Technology |
Email Signature Block Policy | SLT 11.2.1 | Office of General Counsel |
Endangerment | STU 5.2.8 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Endowment Match Policy | SLT 8.2 | University Development |
Endowment Spending | SLT 6.4 | Business and Finance |
Enrollment Development - Recruitment and Retention | BOT 10.1 - 10.10 | Office of General Counsel |
Enrollment Development Organizational Chart | ORG 1.3 | Office of General Counsel |
Equipment Acquisition and Disposal Policy | SLT 6.5 | Business and Finance |
Establishment of New Programs or Units | SG 2.05 | Provost Office |
Event Signs and Banners Policy - Allendale Campus | SLT 6.7 | Facilities Services |
Executive, Administrative, and Professional Staff | BOT 4.4.0 | Office of General Counsel |
Exercise Release Time Policy | SLT 4.2 | Human Resources |
Export Control Policy | SLT 3.6 | Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence |
Externally Sponsored Projects Policy | SLT 3.11 | Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Harassment | STU 5.2.14 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Harmful Behavior | STU 5.2.16 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Hazing | STU 5.2.15 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Heating and Cooling Set Points | SLT 6.8 | Facilities Services |
Honorary Naming of a Portion of a GVSU Facility Policy | SLT 2.1 | Office of the President |
Housing Contract Release Policy | SLT 5.2 | Housing and Residence Life |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Identification Card Policy | SLT 4.4 | Human Resources |
Identity Standards Policy | SLT 7.2 | University Marketing |
Identity Theft Detection Policy | SLT 6.9 | Business and Finance |
Implementing Reduction in Faculty Due to Changing Enrollment Patterns | SG 2.09 | Provost Office |
Information Technology | BOT 11.1 | Office of General Counsel |
Information Technology | STU 5.2.17 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Information Technology Organizational Chart | ORG 1.9 | Office of General Counsel |
Instructional Policies | SG 3.04 | Provost Office |
Interim Measures | STU 9.0 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Interior Signage Standards Policy | SLT 6.10 | Facilities Planning |
Invoice Payment Policy | SLT 6.11 | Business and Finance |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Jurisdiction | STU 3.0 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Keys and Access Card Policy | SLT 6.12 | Facilities Services |
Kinds of Regular Executive, Administrative and Professional Staff Appointments | BOT 4.4.1 | Office of General Counsel |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Legal Services Policy | SLT 10.2 | Office of General Counsel |
Lightning/Severe Weather Policy - Athletics | SLT 6.14 | Athletics |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Michigan Constitution of 1963 | BOT MI Constitution | Office of General Counsel |
Michigan Legislation Initial Charter | BOT MI Legislation Charter | Office of General Counsel |
Military Leave of Absence Policy for Faculty Staff | SLT 4.5 | Human Resources |
Minors on Campus Policy | SLT 9.8 | Human Resources |
Motion Picture/Video/Film/Digital Imaging Production on the Campus | SLT 7.3 | University Communications |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Non-Affiliate/Guest Use of Library Resources and Computers | SLT 3.9 | University Libraries |
Non-Retaliation Policy for Faculty and Staff | SLT 3.3.1 | Human Resources |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty | BOT 4.3.0 | Office of General Counsel |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Benefits | BOT 4.3.3 | Office of General Counsel |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Complaint Procedure | BOT 4.3.4 | Office of General Counsel |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Salary Administration | BOT 4.3.2 | Office of General Counsel |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Office of General Counsel Organizational Chart | ORG 1.7 | Office of General Counsel |
Official Degrees | BOT 3.2 | Office of General Counsel |
OMNI | BOT 12.1 | Office of General Counsel |
Omni at Grand Valley State University | ORG 1.12 | Office of General Counsel |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Secure Office Procedure | SLT 11.11 | Information Technology |
Service and Consulting Agreements Policy | SLT 3.11.6 | Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence |
Sexual Misconduct | STU 5.2.21 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Smoking (and Vaping) Policy | SLT 4.6 | Human Resources |
Social Security Number Privacy Policy | SLT 10.6 | Office of General Counsel |
Software Support Policy | SLT 11.12 | Information Technology |
Space Assignment Policy | SLT 3.15 | Provost and Facility Planning Offices |
Space Heaters and Personal Appliance Policy | SLT 6.16 | Pew Campus Operations/ Allendale Facilities Services |
Stalking | STU 5.2.22 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Standards of Conduct Policy for Employees | SLT 3.3 | Human Resources |
Statement of Purpose | STU 1.0 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Student Affairs | BOT 5.1 | Office of General Counsel |
Student Computing Account Agreement | SLT 11.13 | Information Technology |
Student/UAO Expectations | STU 5.0 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Student/University-Affiliated Organizations Rights and Responsibilities | STU 4.0 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Supplemental Compensation on Externally Sponsored Projects Policy | SLT 3.11.3 | Office of Sponsored Programs |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Tampering with Equipment | STU 5.2.23 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Technology Acquisition Policy | SLT 11.14 | Information Technology |
Textbooks and Course Materials Policy | SLT 3.12 | Provost Office |
Theft or Possession of Stolen Property | STU 5.2.18 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Timecard / Timekeeping Policy | SLT 6.17 | Business and Finance |
Traffic Ordinance | SLT 6.33 | Public Safety |
Training of Personnel Involved in Animal Research | SLT 3.13 | Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence |
Travel Policy | SLT 6.18 | Business and Finance |
Tuition and Fees and Housing Room and Board | BOT 6.9 | Office of General Counsel |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Violation of any University Policy | STU 5.2.27 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Violation of Local, State or Federal Law | SLT 6.32 | Public Safety |
Violations of Local, State or Federal Law | STU 5.2.26 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Voicemail Policy | SLT 11.4 | Information Technology |
Volunteers Policy | SLT 10.7 | Office of General Counsel |
Title | Policy Number | Responsible Office |
Weapons and Dangerous Materials | STU 5.2.28 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |
Weapons Policy | SLT 6.27 | Public Safety |
Web Accessibility Policy | SLT 9.7 | Equity, Planning, and Compliance Unit |
Web Policies for Academic and Administrative Units | SLT 7.5 | University Marketing |
Wheeled Devices | STU 5.2.29 | Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution |