Faculty/Staff Directory

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  • Associate Professor


Office Address
2200J Kindschi Hall of Science

Office Phone

Areas of Expertise
Forest Ecosystem Management, Wildlife-Habitat Relationships, Geographic Information Systems

Professional Societies

The Wildlife Society
Society of American Foresters 

Courses Taught at GVSU

NRM 150 Introduction to Natural Resources
NRM 250 Resource Measurements and Maps
NRM 395 GIS Applications in Natural Resources
NRM 462 Forest Ecosystem Management

Research Interests

My research interests are based on understanding how forest management practices impact wildlife species and communities.  I have expertise in wildlife biology and management, forest ecosystem management, and applications of geographic information systems to natural resources questions. My research focuses on developing models of ecological systems at multiple spatial and temporal scales, and using the results of these models to help guide natural resources decision making.  Current projects include developing models to predict how climate change may affect species currently at the southern limit of their range, using remotely sensed imagery to develop spatial models to predict likely locations of invasive forest plants, and analyzing wildlife use of landscapes using GIS.


B.S. Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
M.S. Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
Ph.D. Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University

Select Publications

Williamson, C. R., H. Campa, III, A. Locher, S. R. Winterstein, and D. E. Beyer, Jr. 2021. Applications of integrating wildlife habitat suitability and habitat potential models. Wildlife Society Bulletin 1 – 15 DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1152.

Woller-Skar, M. M., A. Locher, E. Audia, and E. W. Thomas. 2021. Changing water levels in Lake Superior, MI (USA) impact periphytic diatom assemblages in the Keweenaw Peninsula. Water.

Audia, E., M. M. Woller-Skar, and A. Locher.  2020. Crowd-sourced data link land use and soil moisture to temperature and relative humidity in southwest Michigan (USA). Theoretical and Applied Climatology http://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-020-03429-4

Leimbach-Maus, H. B., E. M. McCluskey, A. Locher, S. R. Parks, and C. G. Partridge.  2020. Genetic structure of invasive baby’s breath (Gypsophilia paniculate L.) populations in a Michigan Dune System. Plants 9: 1123; doi:10.3390/plants9091123.

Campa, H., III, and A. Locher.  2019. Responses of biological diversity components in aspen communities to herbivory, abiotic conditions, and forest harvesting practices that mimic natural disturbances. In E. A. Beever, S. Prange, and D. A. DellaSalla (Ed.), Disturbance ecology and biological diversity: scale, context, and nature. Boca Raton, Florida: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

Locher, A. 2020 Resource Measurements and Maps: An Introduction to Field Skills and Data Analysis (Second Edition). Cognella Academic Publishing, Inc., San Diego, California, USA.

Doggett, J. and A. Locher.  2018. Assessment of northern bobwhite survival and fitness in the West Gulf Coastal Plain ecoregion. PLoS ONE13(7): e0200544. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200544

Longstaff, S., H. Campa, III, A. Locher, and S. Winterstein. 2016. Spatial quantification of white-tailed deer habitat suitability in a wetland-dominated landscape. Michigan Academician 43: 393–409.

Locher, A., K. T. Scribner, J. A. Moore, B. Murphy, J. Kanefsky.  2015. Influence of landscape features on spatial genetic structure of white-tailed deer in human-altered landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Management. 79(2): 180–194.


Page last modified May 1, 2020